9 - 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡

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We stopped in front of a house, and we got out the car.

Joyce : "Listen, I know this might some strange, but you'll have to trust me, ok?"

I nodded.

Joyce : "go to that door, ring the bell, and say to Caren that you have to see Mike, your a friend of Will, ok?"

Y/n : "what about you two?"

Hopper : "we have to clear up some stuff, Eleven and the other will explain you everything"

Y/n : "ok, thanks again so much"

Hopper : "no problem kid, say hello to Eleven for me, see you around"

He got in the car, and Joyce did something that I didn't expect.

Joyce : *she hugged me* "be careful dear, ok?"

Y/n : "thanks"

She got in the car and they got away.

I guess I just needed to do what Joyce said.

I got to the door, I ringed the bell, I waited a bit, and somebody opened.

Caren : "may I help you?"

Y/n : "yes, hi, is here Caren?"

Caren : "yes she is, i'm Caren"

Y/n : "oh god, sorry"

Caren : "no problem sweetie, what do you need?"

Y/n : "I have to see Mike, i'm Will's friend, Joyce said that I could come here for a while"

Caren : "oh yeah sure, they are all in the basement"

Y/n : "thanks"

I followed the small hallway and I founded a door.

I opened the door, and I saw some stairs.

Lucas : "so, what should we do now?"

Mike : "we wait, if El's sister is really that powerful, she could help us"

I started doing the stairs and then I saw her.

Eleven : "Y/N!!!"

She ran over me and hugged me so hard at I almost couldn't breath.

Y/n : "omg El, is it really you?!"

Eleven : "I-I missed you so much" *she started crying*

A tear fell of my face as I had my face in her hair.

Y/n : "your hair, is grown"

Eleven : "yes, yours too"

We started laughing while still hugging, then she let me go and she turned around to the other kids that were in the room.

Eleven : "this is my sister, Y/n"

Mike : "your really her sister?"

Max : "no Mike, for joke"

Will : "I'm Will"

Lucas : "Lucas"

Max : "Max, nice to meet you"

Mike : "Mike"

Y/n : "hi..."

I was very confused, exactly because I wanted to know what was happening that Hopper and Joyce wormed me about.

Y/n : "so, Hopper and Joyce brought me here"

Will : "my mother? how?"

Y/n : "I ran away from the lab, and I founded this night Hopper's refuge, and then , this morning they brought me here"

Lucas : "why didn't you ran away when Eleven did?"

Y/n : "I didn't had the possibility, the night that El got away...many things has happened that night, but this is not what matters, Joyce and Hopper said that you were going to let me know what happens in this years, and that I could help you."

They started all taking about what had happened, the demogorgons, the upside-down, the fact that Will was taken, the demodogs and the mind-flayer, everything.

Then they started to explain me about what has happening now, about Billy.

Y/n : "so you thing that Billy is "controlled" by the something?"

Eleven : "yes"

Mike : "and we have to stop it, whatever it is"

Y/n : "ok, do we have some sort of clue or a path?"

Max : "we anted to go to the trap Billy to see if he is really controlled or not, this afternoon"

Y/n : "ok, I can help."

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