The Woman Who Waited

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This is the story of Zainab bint Muhammad and her Not-yet Muslim husband.

Zainab was the eldest daughter of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and her husband Abu Al'Aas Ibn Rabbi'a.

They were married before the Prophet (pbuh) received the revelation in Mount Hira.

Before they were married, the Prophet (pbuh) was very fond of Abu Al 'aas.

 One day Abu Al'aas approached the Prophet (pbuh) and said to him "I'd like to marry your oldest daughter."

The Prophet (pbuh) told him that he'd have to ask Zainab first. He went to Zainab and explained the proposal to her and she turned red with bashfulness then smiled and accepted the proposal.

That's how they got married.

Very simple.

They had two children: Ali and Umama.

When the Prophet (pbuh) received the revelation, Abu Al'aas was away from Makkah.

When he returned, Zainab had already embraced Islam along with the rest of her family. When she wanted to tell him, he initially walked away from her which surprised her.

She followed him and then told him of the revelation he responded "Why didn't you tell me first?"

She said "I wasn't going to disbelieve my father and his message. He is no liar, he is honest and trustworthy." She explained that her whole family had become Muslim along with friends of Abu Al'aas such as Abu Bakr and his cousin Uthman Ibn Affan.

However, due to his pride and his respect for his forefathers, Abu Al'aas rejected the message without disrespecting the Prophet (pbuh).

Zainab accepted her decision.

When the Quraysh found out about the revelation, they encouraged the son-in laws of the Prophet (pbuh) to divorce their wives which the husbands of Umm Kulthum and Ruqayyah did as they were the sons of Abu Lahab.

When they asked Abu Al'Aas, they promised him a better wife from the women of Quraysh however, he responded "No, by God, I shall not divorce my wife and I do not wish to have in her place any woman in all the world."

They remained married as Muslim and Non-Muslim for many years. When the migration to Medina took place, Zainab informed her father that she wished to stay with Abu Al'aas and her children which her permitted.

She stayed in Makkah until the Battle of Badr took place, Abu Al'Aas was among the people who were to fight against the Muslims.

Zainab feared that her children would lose their father or she might lose hers.

However, after the Muslims won the Battle of Badr, Abu Al'aas was captured.

When Zainab received the news, she used her late-mother's necklace to pay for his release.

The Prophet had fixed amounts for the ransom of the prisoners of war varying from one thousand to four thousand dirhams, according to the wealth or social standing of the prisoner.

Messengers went back and forth to Makkah from Madinah and back, bearing the the price then the ransom money to free their relatives being held.

When the Prophet (pbuh) received the necklace he began mourning his beloved wife Khadijah again as it reminded him of her.

His strong reaction affected the believers around him so when he announced that he wanted to know whether he should release his son-in-law and return the necklace, the Muslims agreed immediately.

After he was released, before he left for Makkah, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) informed him privately that it was no longer permissible for Muslim women to marry Non-Muslim men and asked him to return Zainab to him.

Abu Al'aas agreed reluctantly.

Can you imagine that? Having to make that journey home to see your beloved spouse who'd been waiting for you only to tell them that they had to get a divorce despite still loving her deeply.

Straight out of a drama if you asked me.

When he arrived and told her the news she asked him once again, "Will you become a Muslim and come with me?"

He once again refused.

She then left for Madinah with her children.

However, she still loved Abu Al'aas and refused to remarry for many years, still waiting on him to return to her as a Muslim.

Then many years later, whilst travelling to Syria from Makkah, Abu Al'aas was once again captured by the Muslims.

When he escaped imprisonment, he went to Zainab's home and she asked him "Have you become Muslim?"

He responded, "No, I have come as a fugitive."

She asked him again, "Can you become Muslim?"

He responded no, once again.

The she said to him, "Do not worry, welcome, the father of my children."

I can imagine the scene, him just sitting on the chair quietly as he watched his former wife walk around her house, wanting to get close to her but knowing he can't as they were no longer married.

After Fajr, the dawn prayer, Zainab's voice echoed through the masjid saying "I have freed Abu Al'aas Ibn Rabi'a."

The Prophet (pbuh) once again discussed with his companions whether they should free him or not as he was a good and honest man.

They agreed to and return his belongings to him.

When Zainab returned to her home, with a warning from her father not to get close to him, she asked Abu Al'aas once again, "Did you miss us at all? Would you like to become Muslim and stay with us?"

He refused for the final time then left for Makkah.

He returned the belongings of the people to the right individuals then confirmed everything was still there and then openly announced that he was taking his Shahadah, proclaiming that he is now Muslim.

He then rushed back to Madinah and straight to the Prophet (pbuh), he repeated his shahadah to him then asked for permission to marry Zainab one more.

The Prophet (pbuh) took his son-in-law back to his daughter's house and knocked on her door then said "Oh Zainab, your husband has come to me and has asked to return to you."

And just as she had many years before, her face turned red with bashfulness and she smiled.

They were reunited as husband and wife for a full year until Zainab passed away. Her husbands tears at her funeral drove all those around him to tears as well.

After that, Abu Al'aas mourned for a long time and announced "By Allah, I can't stand life anymore without Zainab."

He too passed away a year later.

May Allah reunite them in Jannah. Ameen.

May Allah bless us with loving spouses to help us through the struggles in this life and reunite us with them in Jannah. Ameen.

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