Chap 4 - First Meet

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Author's pov

Ahaan reached with his friends to "The Heaven" club, the music was loud, loud enough to tear the ear drums of a normal person, people were drained in alcohol and were dancing randomly in anybody's arms. Ahaan felt uncomfortable as before it he never went to the places like these because his father was a strict person and never allowed these kind of things furthermore Ahaan also loved his solitude.

Ahaan was lost in his thoughts when Daksh called him from behind offering him a mocktail, " dude, here take it and chill" "No, I'm just fine you guys enjoy" Ahaan denied politely. "Come on buddy, we came here to enjoy. Don't worry it's non alcoholic, here take it" Daksh tried to convince him. Unable to argue anymore, Ahaan took the mocktail from his hands and gulped it down in one go.

Party was going on its peak. Ahaan saw a group of girls kind of harassing a meek girl, he thought of helping her but decided otherwise thinking that it might be their personal matter and they will sort it out. Ahaan was not feeling well now and the strong smell of alcohol was not helping too, so he excused himself to washroom.

Ahaan's pov

I am splashing cold water on my face and now I feel like I'm alive. This smell of alcohol,, ahh... it's just disgusting, I just can't stand it. I don't even know why the hell I'm here,, uff Mahadev.. I should be get going now it's late already otherwise Papa will also be angry.

I came to the main area of club where my friends were but watching the scene in front of my eyes I was shocked would be an understatement.
A girl in a very expensive body hugging dress with high heels on was standing on the bar side with angry expression on her face. She was beautiful but scary at the same time. She was glaring at my best friend Daksh and was shouting at him. I couldn't hear what was she saying cleary but it was no good for sure and Daksh was also listening to her with bowed head and joined hands maybe apologizing to her but for what, I was wondering. Then I realised that she was the same girl who was bullying that meek girl on the side of the stage.

I stormed towards Daksh with fast steps. I stood and took a glimpse of that bratty girl and then asked Daksh, "what happened?" He looked at me scared but before him that girl replied with so much attitude without even looking at me, "This shitty friend of yours spoiled this expensive dress and heels of mine by pouring that disgusting drink in his hands and now I'm just asking him to clean my heels." Her voice was filled with arrogance and I was fuming in rage by now, how the hell can she ask someone to clean her shows in public, it's humiliating.

(Without any doubt she was Alisha, The Alisha Malhotra. The queen of Arrogance.) - Author's indication

I turned towards her and faced her and said with all the confidence that I had, " Excuse me miss, you are in no position to humiliate somebody for this, it might be an accident and he is apologizing. I just don't know why you are exaggerating the matter but I want to say that he won't clean your shoes and that's final."

She looked at me for some time with shocked written all over her face. Maybe I'm mistaken but she was looking like she was mesmerized but she composed herself fast and replied in same arrogant tone, "And who the hell are you to tell me what to do or what not? Do you even know who am I??" I looked at her with annoyance and replied in the same tone, the "Neither I know who you are nor I am interested in knowing and as per as the matter of telling you what to do and what not so I understand that it's not my place to tell you that, it's your parents duty but if they didn't taught you so somebody had to, So I thought to take the initiative"

She opened her mouth to say something but closed it, by her expressions I could clearly say that she was pissed off and So was I by her attitude. Daksh started to apologise again and asked me to stay quiet and not to say anything. I was more irritated by his this sudden behaviour. He was not this kind of boy who would beg someone like this.

That girl stopped him by her hand gesture and took calculative steps towards me. Her heels voice echoing in silence and everybody's focus was on us. She looked at me from up to down and smirked and said, "So, you don't want to know who am I, right...well forget it. You don't want him to clean my shoes then you can clean them,, you know they are that much expensive if you will sell yourself even then you won't be able to pay back. So what say, I can give a good price of your pretty handsome face"

And by now I was hell angry. Like seriously how the hell can she set the price for me as if I'm some thing in auction. I looked at her glared at her and said with immense hatred dripping in my voice, " I might be not rich as you madam but I still have one thing you are lacking of which is 'RESPECT' and not in this life you will ever be able to get that by heart"

I was hell angry by now. Never in my 21 years of life I've felt that much angry. Everybody was watching me with their eyes out of socket with pure shock written all over their face. That girl was much more shocked that others but I cared less. Without listening another reply, I stormed out of the club.

I was walking and stomping my foot angrily on the road. I was feeling so damn angry that I would have killed that girl if I was not sane person unlike her. "Uff Mahadev just give me strength to face these sick attitude people, I'm running out of patience"

I reached home around 7:45 pm. Everybody was gathered at hall and acknowledged my presence. I greeted all the elders. My hunger was long died by the recent incident that took place, So I excused myself by saying that I was not feel well so I will not have dinner and luckily they didn't ask me anything further and let me go. I was so tired physically as well as mentally so I drifted into sleep as soon as I jumped onto bed.

Ahaan's look

Alisha's look

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Alisha's look

Alisha's look

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So here was all for today. How was the 'first meet' I hope you would've liked it.
So next chapter, what about Alisha pov??

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