end up with you

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I was on my cellphone watching my favorite channel msa.When suddenly their was a knock on my door .I i peak to the door then i saw my boyfriend David .He was holding a bouquet of my favorite flower . Then he said ' babe may i enter? '. I was still angry at him because he didn't show up on my 17th birthday.but I let him in and said 'so you have the courage to show up after you ghosted me on my birthday!'

He replied 'im so sorry babe I was busy .I had a important meeting on Canada'
Then I said "so I'm not important to you ?.I hate you get out of my apartment!"
"What no! .it's just it's so important.
Look I'm here to make up on what I miss . Lets go to your favorite cafe .And I got your favorite flower her you go"
*I throw the bouquet on the floor.
And said " not even the my favorite flower can heal the disappointment that I received from you .get out"

"Babe no!.I'm sorry!
He said with a depress look on his face .then I slammed the door hard
I cry for hours.Then I realized that I'm being dramatic so at the next day I visit him on her house but when I was about to enter his gate I saw him kissing a girl and I know the girl it was making out it was my best friend I was devastated I cry for days . David was reaching ,for me like crazy but he doesn't know that I saw him cheating
So at the next day he show up on my door and knock. I shouted "get lost you monster I hate you . you cheating monster"
He replied" what's the problem?."
*I shouted again I know your cheating at me w/my bestie or should I say ex best friend and were done the moment than I saw you making out with her get the hell out of the building .

Then he replied " will it's a freedom that your breaking with me whooo hooo!!!!! and least this building is not yours ........

I was speechless.then it hit me he is a total jerk .
and i found my self crying at his words .

But eventually I move on.on that jerk .then started working hard on my studies.and I graduate with flying colors

I enrolled at the best college on the city

I was working on the cafe
Late night

On my way home I bumped on a boy I looked up and saw the hottest boy on the earth he helped me to get on my tracked.

I was scrolling on Facebook then suddenly that boy who I bumped with add friend me then I saw my self smiling while confirming he's request.

He texted me saying "Hi good evening.did you eat ?
I replied "wtf why are you texting me?"
"Maybe because I added you to not message .right "
"No. So you want that if somebody added you .you don't want to be texted?"
"Ohh sorry "
"I'll accept your apology if you go out with a date with me"
"What.no way i don't even know you freak"
"So if you known me you'll date me?"
"No "
"Ohhh "
" I'm heading to bed .Good night "
" I guess.good night too"

That boy is so clingy but I like that ..

*The morning

"Good morning.did you eat?" he texted
"Good morning too.yeah hbu?"
"Like you know my name
But idk what's yours."
What your name bro?
"I'm Rex "
"Like t Rex? HAHAAHA"
"Jk that not my name is Lucas hahahaha"

3MONTH LATER.........

*Lucas ask Leah*
*Leah like we known each other for a month now .can I take you out for a date? I really like you
*Yes I would love to Lucas .!!

*At the cafe they were talking non stop but when Leah was about to  order something. David lwho happens to be ordering saw the two he. Felt jelous so he started walking on there direction
And open his mouth "ohh this is your new?.so pathetic of you"
Leah answered "yeah ..I'm not pathetic you are.and besides look at you your dating my ex bff like your so cute together a snake and a pig "
*The crowd went wild *
" Ohh really you ugly woman"
Lucas  interrupted "ohh your just jelous because your girlfriend is not beautiful as my date .and she is the most kind person I ever met so stop saying she's ugly "
"And least but not least you can leave this place because I own this place"
*The two left the cafe*
Lea was spechless and decided to go home I  thank Lucas and give a pick on the lips

And a few dates I  became Lucas girlfriend they were happy together at the age of 29 I was earning Lucas who owns tuns of building
We decided that we are compatible with each other so we should get married

At the morning Leah wake up on seeing her boyfriend out of bed .
At the afternoon Lucas surprised me with a ring I was over the moon that night and soon he will become my husband.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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