Chapter 9 | I got you

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The next day was pretty rainy. The school bell took forever to ring and the raindrops pounding on the window made it hard for students to focus. Mary was zoned out more than others though. The previous day Alexander was distant towards her. He asked her how the date went and everything, but he wasn't smiling or hugging her like always. Even though she knew that now it'll be fair to distance herself from him because of Jackson, she missed the man's touch and whatever bond they developed. She had an awful feeling since then and hoped that today would be different. The classroom door suddenly opened and Stephanie went inside.

"Excuse me darling" she looked at the teacher who rolled his eyes. "Can I steal Mary Reynolds for the rest of the day? Mrs. Carolina knows."

"Go on" the man said with his boring, grumpy voice and continued to write maths problems on the whiteboard.

Mary took her bookbag and left with the woman.

"What's wrong?" The girl asked as they headed towards her car.

"It's Jackson" Stephanie looked very pale and upset. "He's at the hospital... Doctors say he's in a critical condition..."

Her sobs made the girl's eyes watery. They both went inside the car and drove to the city centre. Mary was shocked. She saw him two days ago and he was fine. The road to the hospital seemed to be infinite. Her mind was full of questions. What happened to him?! Will he be ok?! Who did this to him?! Was it all real?! Maybe it was all just a prank? Or a way to ask her out? She just couldn't believe it. When the car stopped she immediately jumped out of it. Stephanie followed her.

"I thought you wanted to see him" the woman said. "You were close."

Mary hugged her.

"Thank you" she mumbled.

Stephanie sat her down and went to speak to the doctor. The girl was still confused and hoping that Jackson is healthy. The woman came back soon and looked Mary in the eyes.

"The police want to talk to you" she whispered.

"Alright" the girl nodded.


"So" a woman in a police uniform sat down next to her. "How long have you known the victim?"

"I'm sorry" Mary sobbed. "Can we use Jackson's name instead?"

"Of course" the woman smiled. "Now please answer me."

"Around a week... Or maybe less than a week..."

"And what relationship was between you and him?"

"He loves me" Mary answered. "And I love him too..."

The woman took a deep breath.

"One last question" she put her hand on the girl's shoulder. "Are you on good terms with Alexander Casmid?"

Mary looked at her.

"He's my tutor, of course I am."

"How would you describe your relationship with him?" The woman still questioned. "Is it formal, friendly, romantic?"

"I wouldn't call it romantic... It's rather friendly. He's nice to me... I feel safe with him" she had no idea why she added the last sentence. Maybe being too honest with the woman was a bad idea? But she hasn't thought of that. Her mind was still with Jackson.

"And what do you think he feels for you?"

"I don't know... I can't speak for him, but I guess he likes me too."

He obviously did. She slept with him in the same bed just a few days ago. She slept in his arms just a few days ago!

"Okay... Thank you" the woman stood up and helped Mary to do the same. "Do you want to see Jackson now?"

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