Chapter-24-Searching For You

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But he was really sad because of his break up with Luna. " What do i do now "thought Allan.

On Earth..........

     Rebecca tried her best to always cheer up Luna in all possible ways. But Luna was too depressed and would only think about Allan. " Girl,  Allan is past move on. Listen to me carefully Luna get your lazy butt out of that bed of your room it is not the whole world. There is a huge world out there. Now i am going to the mall you should come with " said Rebecca. "oh i do not know. I..... " but before Luna can answer properly Rebecca said " Umm Hello which part of the 'should' did you not understand " asked Rebecca with an intense tone. Seeing that Rebecca would not back down Luna went reluctantly said yes. " Good now get dressed properly " replied Rebecca. She then dragged Luna to her house. Up on reaching her house she gave Luna a couple of outfits and sat on a chair and said " Try every single one of the outfits until i found the perfect one that ". Luna tried all of the dresses and as she was wearing the last one Rebecca said "Perfect this dress is the one "and dragged her out of the house.

 Luna tried all of the dresses and as she was wearing the last one Rebecca said "Perfect this dress is the one "and dragged her out of the house

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     They went here and there and tried on many dress as Rebecca dragged her Luna went with her. At some point Luna was exhausted and said " i do not want to go any where Rebecca i am too tired ". " Fine stay here i will do a coffee run " replied Rebecca and ran some where. " Man this girl is crazy she can shop for the rest of her life if she had helpers "thought Luna. 

     After some time of disappearing Rebecca came back with coffee and said " Luna Get up lets go". Luna stood up and said " Rebecca i am too exhausted right now please can we go shopping tomorrow please i promise you i will come ". " Fine " replied Rebecca. Luna grabbed her coffee and they went home.

In the Moon Kingdom, After the ceremony was over that evening

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In the Moon Kingdom, After the ceremony was over that evening.......

     Allan was sitting in his room that thinking about Luna when some one knocked at the door. He said " Come in ". Up on seeing his mother enter he stood up and bowed towards her. "Al no need of any respect it is me your mother who you would play games, make jokes , played pranks on so when it is you and me no need to bow " said Rena. "Mom what are you doing here"asked Allan. " I have to tell you some thing that is very important" said Rena. She whispered some thing in Allan's ear. Upon hearing what his mother told Allan's face lit up and he said "I love you so much mom" and hugged her and when the time came for Rena to leave Allan offered King Kyle that he would safely take his mother home and left the moon kingdom with Rena.

     Allan was teleported to the Lunar falls. He then searched for Luna every where and then asked everyone while showing her photo. He had spent all evening there searching for her. He returned  to his home ( On earth ) and said "Mom this is useless she changes hair and eye color faster that i change my princely clothes there is no way in asking people ". " Well you can ask the moon for help. You do have that advantage you know" replied Rena. "Yes you are right mom thank you for reminding me, that means i have to search in the night time but i am worn out i will do it tomorrow night so i shall go back Father is going to be furious that i did not come back early" said Allan. " Just say that i asked you to stay and you know you can call him dad he wants you to he told me and I love you son " replied Rena. " i love you too mom" said Allan. After that he left for the moon kingdom.

The next night.............

      Allan came to earth and flew over the city and thought " They moved so lets search another city but if this goes on i will not be able to find her in this life time wait that day at the beach Luna came to Sunny sands maybe she lives there now ". So he searched for her there   but could not find her. He searched for her all night but he could not because Luna was inside the house. at dawn he gave up and cried. As he was crying Luna saw him.

 " Finally they are going to mend feeling" thought ˚☽˚。⋆𓃦 ˚☽˚。⋆











To Be Continued....................................................... :)

Thank you all for reading and these pictures are not mine they are examples which i borrowed from google..................................................... :)

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