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My heart pounded as I stood at the altar, holding hands with the most powerful Alpha in the country, Devon Dominic Lopez.

I never thought I would successfully get married to such an Alpha some day. I began to wonder what good deed I had done in my previous life to be betrothed to such an Alpha. I reminded myself that I was in the presence of many wolves and thoughts like these could flood into my mind after the marriage.

I could hear the cheers of everyone that was present at the occasion. Several eyes were rolling enviously at me, piercing my glamorous skin. Those were the eyes of the lady wolves who failed to meet up with Dominic’s mate requirements. They had attempted seduction but it truly never worked out.

Dominic was far more handsome than any other Alpha in the country. Women couldn’t help but love him. They all wanted to be his; Some became sluts overnight just to spend some moments to satisfy him but whenever they woke up after different rounds of sex, the Alpha would have left them behind.

I clearly had no issue with that; I truly wasn’t bothered about other women having tasted him already. Because, I already had a taste of him too, though there were a few details I didn’t know about him yet, but he did things that turned me off.

The one night stand we had together wasn’t what I had planned or wanted. It was an accident and I did intend on letting him know about it but will his response be?

“Do you, Devon Dominic Lopez, take Moon Swan as your lovely betrothed wife?”

My heart skipped a beat as the Priest’s words knocked me out of my reverie. I didn’t know whether to even proceed, knowing I was keeping something so big from him. Does he even know the lady he’s getting married to was actually the same lady he had one night stand with the previous night?

“Yes, I, Devon Dominic Lopez, take Moon Swan as my lovely Betrothed Wife, in good times and bad times. I will never leave her side.”

A cheerful uproar burst through the ceiling. My heart jumped excitedly at his response. Women who didn’t want to celebrate me, wailed in defeat. I was a bit excited about this but at the same time, unexcited.

“Do you, Moon Swan, take Devon Dominic Lopez as your Betrothed husband?”

“Yes!” I yelped unconsciously. That was quite unexpected. I wondered what boosted my confidence.

“Yes. I, Moon Swan, accept Devon Dominic Lopez, as my Betrothed husband, both in good and bad times, I will never leave his side.”

Cheers broke through the church’s ceilings, and I couldn’t help but notice Dominic’s stern gaze. He was coated in an aura of power and authority, his mesmerizing blue eyes holding beautiful stars within them.

I couldn’t tell if he had stared in my direction once. Perhaps I was the only one stealing glances at him.

I was right. He hadn’t looked at me once. Even before the ceremony commenced, we both hadn’t properly looked each other in the eye.

“You may now kiss the bride.”

It was then Dominic turned towards my angle, looking down at me purposefully. This was the first time he was actually staring at me and before I knew what was happening, his lips had already touched mine.

I didn’t really feel much of anything compared to the last time we were intense together. The kiss was nothing compared to that night. Everyone kept cheering us on; flowers were thrown around. I could only give a convincing smile to my aunt and my grandparents.

We shared hugs, and, my grand mom, most especially, began showering prayers for me over where she was. She always wanted the best for me and this was probably the best thing that could happen.

A lot of activities were going on, but all that ran through my mind was what Dominic would actually think of me if I told him I was the woman he spent the other night with.

Unexpectedly, someone pulled me in for a hug. I already lost sight of my surrounding, and didn’t know who it was. I tilted my gaze and it turned out to be my best friend, Rita.

“You should have seen the look on your face when Dominic kissed you.” She teased me.

“I didn’t know you were coming. I thought you had plans for today.” I had personally invited her and she had declined the invitation, claiming she had something urgent to attend to. I was shocked to meet her here.

“I know, I know. I said I wasn’t going to come, but then I was informed the job gig got canceled.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry about that.”

“It’s fine. There will always be a next time. I’m just glad I could make it in time for your wedding.”

We giggled and even had drinks along the way. She was the only one I could vibe with, at that point in time. Dominic barely threw a glance my way; he was partying with the boys, having drinks like a normal person except he had this tight serious look on his face.

“Quit staring. If you’re going to go over, then do so.” Rita brought me out of my reverie, “he’s your husband after all.”

“It’s not like that. Don’t misunderstand me.” I defended myself. It wasn’t even as if I actually liked him, not to start with how he did qualify himself high. I barely knew him and it might take some time for us to bond but regardless, I’m married to him already.

Rita chuckled, “there’s no use denying the fact that you were actually staring at him. Stop playing games with me.” She poked my shoulder before gulping down the content in her glass cup.

Right, I was staring, but only to know more about him - his personality, what did turn him on and what did turn him off. Aside from just being the most powerful Alpha in the country, what other traits did he possess?

Was he someone that did flare up when little issues come up, or he only struggled to maintain composure to ensure the smoothness of the ceremony?

Would he be ready to listen to anything I might have to say, or would he always prove his point?

Different thoughts flooded my mind and I began to shiver when I remembered the night we both had an intimate relationship. If the secret ever got exposed, would he file a divorce against me or ignore me totally? I was so skeptical to hint him about the secret.

Rejected By Him, Desired Once Again Where stories live. Discover now