Gift Basket

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Salish woke up, and I rubbed away the tears and smiled.

"Y/n!" She said, sitting up.

"What!" I said.

"Your eyes! You obviously didn't get any sleep they are all bloodshot." She replied.

I nodded and got up.

"Come on, let's get something to eat. Jiji hasn't said anything." I said and walked downstairs.

I ate some toast and waited for my phone to send me any notification.

It had been two hours before I finally got a message. I sprang to my phone and opened the app.

"Jiji said he is fine. He hasn't woken up yet, but they think he will be okay." I said.

Salish smiled and gave me a hug.

"Come on, let's go to Target, and we can make Nidal a gift basket." She said. I agreed happily, and Jordan took us to Target.

"Okay, some tops, lime chips, takis, cotten candy. What else do we need?" I said, chucking the stuff in the cart.

"Hair stuff. He could do with some." Salish said. I laughed, and we went over to the hair section and Salish chucked cans of hairspray in.

"Oh, we need a basket too." I said.

"Cushion, extra soft blanket, this thing, oh and this, a candle and another cushion." Salish said, picking up anything she saw.

"More food." I said, and we went back to the snacks.

"Cookies, this, this, this, and this." I said, picking up the most random things.

Once we had finished we paid and went back to the car.

"SALISH!" I yelled from where I was sitting on the living room floor. All of the stuff scattered around me.

"What!" She said, coming in.

"The baskets to small." I said. Salish came over.

"Oh well, just put as much as possible in there, then the rest can be next to it." She said.

Once we had finished, Jordan took us to the hospital, and we went to Nidal.

He lay on the bed, and multiple tubes surrounded him. I pulled myself together and put the basket on the chair, and quickly walked out.

I couldn't bear to look at him any longer.  Jordan took me home, and I told my mum everything that we did.

After a couple of days, I got the news that Nidal was awake and I was ecstatic. Nala picked up on my behaviour and started barking and spinning around in circles.

I danced around with her until we were both exhausted. I lay down on the floor next to her and cried, happy tears.

I then got ready for school the next day.

After four weeks, Nidal came out of the hospital, and he texted me loads and thanked me for the gift.

I facetted him as much as possible, and he said how boring it was sitting around all day.

I said I would visit him as soon as I could and find a way to cheer him up.

My dad said I could visit him in a weeks time on Saturday. We were over the moon and couldn't stop talking about it.

I had gymnastics at eleven until one, so as soon as gymnastics finished, I jumped into my dad's car, and we went straight from the gym to his house.

I ran inside and kicked off my slides. I said hi to Neshan and Juju before jumping into Jijis' arms.

Then they took me to Nidal. I gently gave him a hug and sat next to him.

"I'm so glad you came!" He said.

"Me too!" I responded a huge grin on my face.

"I see you've just finished gymnastics." He said. I nodded.

"Tell me about it." He said.

"Okay. Well, we warmed up and did the beam. I had to practise landing my front ariel it was so hard, but I got it in the end. Salish helped." I said.

Nidal listened a smile on his scratched face.

"So what have you been doing." I said.

"Sleeping. Doing lives that stuff." He said.

"Do you have any games we can play?" I asked. He nodded and pointed to a shelf with multiple board games.

"Do you know how to play drafts?" I questioned. He shook his head.

"I will teach you it's really not that hard." I said, picking up the board and setting it up on the table.

I explained how to play and he got the hang of it. I let him win.

"You really can't be that bad!" He said after.

"Yeah, well, maybe you are just a pro." I said, shrugging.

We sat there for a while just looking at each other, neither of us saying anything.

"Do you want a snack?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"Sure, do you want me to get something." I said.

"Yeah, there should be some Popcorn in the cupboard." He said, pointing to the kitchen.

We shared a packet and then talked for a bit before I had to go.

"If Nidal wants you, you can come every day after school. Maybe next weekend you can have a sleepover." My Dad said. Nidals mum nodded.

Nidal and I smiled. I waved goodbye and got into the car.

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