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Yoongi park ( if you know, you know ) the car at usual place.

Jimin started to walk when Yoongi held his hand from behind,

"What happened? ", Jimin asked

Yoongi has a naughty smirk on his face, he came closer and whispered in Jimin's ear in deep voice " don't try to run away minie , you said we are going to continue at home ", he kissed Jimin's cheek and started to walk towards the entrance leaving a red Jimin behind as he blushed really hard .

Jimin shrugged his wild thoughts and started to walk behind Yoongi.

Yoonmin entered in the mansion...

"Samchon? ", Jimin exclaimed as his Samchon and Yoongi's grandma was sitting in the living room.

Lee Dong stood from the couch and came towards Jimin only to hug him " how are you son ? "

" Am fine , how's your health? ", Jimin asked backing off

" Am good ", Lee Dong looked at Yoongi and smiled

Yoongi bowed in respect" hello samchon "

" No need to bow son ", Lee Dong smiled

" Come everyone and sit I have to tell you something ", Mrs.Min said

Everyone sat

" So Actually... I called Mr.Lee here to discuss about your marriage, we have found a date after fourteen days " , Mrs.Min informed

Yoonmin looked at each other and smiled

" Also I want everything to be according to marriage rituals. That's why I called Mr Lee so he can take Jimin home ", Mrs.Min said

"What does that even supposed to mean Jimin is already in his house ", Yoongi said immediately

Mrs Min sighted " first listen to me you stupid cat ! Of course it's Jimin's home . But according to marriage rituals bride / groom and groom should not meet each other before marriage it's a bad luck. You both are not allowed to see each other's face till you are at your wedding altar "

" But we are already husbands it's not first time we are marrying and who believes in these stupid rituals nowadays", Yoongi said

" You are forgetting Min Yoongi that your marriage was based on contract of one year which already is over and if we see it in this way you are not really husbands now . Beside I want everything according to rituals this time as first time everything was so messed up and rushed . ", Mrs Min fired back

" But we - ", before Yoongi can finish Jimin held his hand to calm him down

Mrs Min sighted at his grandson as she knew it's no use of talking to stubborn cat so she looked at Jimin with soft eyes " Jimin ! Son I know it sounds old but trust me I am worried, in this one year you both have suffered a lot in this marriage and this time I want everything to be peaceful and good . This may sound superstitious but I just don't want to take any chance . I hope you are understanding my worries "

" You can't emotionally blackmail him ", Yoongi said

" Stop it Hyung you are being so rude already ", Jimin glared making Yoongi shut his mouth

" So what have you decided? ", Lee Dong asked

" Jimin is not goi-"

"Am going with you samchon. Let's do everything according to rituals ", Jimin said interrupting Yoongi

Yoongi stomp his feet and rushed to his room .

Mrs Min sighted and looked at Jimin hopefully

" I'll go and talk to him", Jimin said and went behind Yoongi.

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