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"I'm going to Target. Does anyone wanna come?" Jiji yelled.

"Yeah!" I answered and got up from the sofa. I grabbed my Starbucks cup and phone.

Nidal was having a nap, so I texted him that if I wasn't there, it was because I was at Target, and if he needed anything to text.

We walked to Target.

"What are you getting?" I asked Jiji.

"I need some new skincare and makeup." She said.

"What about you?" She questioned.

"Starbucks. I told Nidal, and if he wakes up and texts back, then something that he needs." I said.

We reached Target and went our separate ways.

I got a pink drink and then walked around.

Nidal answered and asked for some doritoes and lime chips. I got them and some gum.

I found Jiji in the makeup section.

"I think you should start wearing makeup." She said. I laughed.

"I do. I wear clear mascara and lip oil." I said.

"That's not makeup, love!" She said.

"Let me get some stuff for you. I can do it when we get back. You can do Nidals." She said and picked out some stuff.

I shrugged used to Jiji and took a sip of my drink.

"Hey, excuse me, can I take a picture?" Someone said.

I turned around.

"Sure!" Jiji said.

"Do you want me to take it?" I asked.

"No, can you be in it, please?" They replied. I was shocked.

All I could do was smile and nod.

We took a photo and they thanked us and went off.

"Your face!" Jiji said, laughing.

"Weird." I said.

We paid for our stuff and walked back to the house.

"Nidal, we are back!" Jiji shouted. I went into the living room and chucked the snacks at Nidal.

He thanked me.

I lay down on the bed next to him and scrolled through my phone.

"Imagine if I lose my backflip." He said, munching on the food.

"I doubt it." I said, putting my phone down.

"Y/N! MAKEUP TIME!" Jiji shouted. I reluctantly got up and went to her room.

I sat down and watched her through the mirror.

"It's weird and cold!" I complained.

"Well, at least, after you put it on, Nidal will love you." She said. I hit her and rolled my eyes.

"We are just friends, idiot." I huffed.

"Sure." She said. Once she had done, she clapped her hands in excitement.

I didn't recognise myself. I went back into the living room and stood in the doorway.

"Agh, a hideous beast has broken in!" Neshan screamed. I threw a cushion at his head laughing.

Nidal looked up from his phone, and his eyes widened.

"Oh, stop looking." I said and bounced onto the bed.

I got into my pj's and cleaned my teeth before going to bed. I slept on the sofa.

The next morning, I woke up. I was confused as to why Nidal wasn't in his bed but just thought he was hungry or something.

I walked into the kitchen and yawned.

Everyone was sat around the table. I looked at them confused.

"Is this like a daily thing you guys do?" I joked.

No one laughed. Or even smiled.

"Damn, I'm that bad at making jokes!" I said. Again, nothing.

"Y/n. This, it might come as a shock, especially quickly after the Nidals incident." Nidals mum said.

"Yeah?" I said, getting worried.

"It's your parents." She said.

"What! What's happened!" I said, panicking.

"They were in a car crash." She said.

"W-what." I said.

"I know it sounds ridiculous, darling. They are in the hospital now." She said.

I ran out of the kitchen and then out of the front door.

This was not happening.

"Why does everything happen to me!" I scream. Tears pouring out of my eyes. I sat outside the house, my knees tucked to my chest.

My heart was thumping as floods of tears came out.

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now