V. Check-up.

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"JUN-", they laughed, grabbing their stomachs.
"Woah... she was kind enough to stop and ask us about our problem when she was running late. What a pretty soul! She's divine. I've never seen such an epitome of beauty in my entire life.", Jun ranted.
"He was just tagged as a speechless person and now he's blabbering continuously.", Minghao said.
"Y'all... now take appointments.", Seungcheol said.
"The reception is empty.", Jeonghan said.
"Uh... we're so sorry, sirs. The night shift has just ended. And the receptionist left just a minute ago and the one with the morning shift is on her way. Would you please mind waiting for a while?", a maid asked, politely.
"Yeah, sure! No problem!"

Wonwoo sighed, taking off his glasses and kept them on the chair for a while. It hadn't even been five minutes, an elderly man sat down on the chair on Wonwoo's glasses and sound of glass breaking was heard.

"Oh no... no I-I sat down on something.", he got up.
"Oh dear, whose specs are these-?", his wife freaked out.
"Oh no, no! It's okay! You did it by mistake.", Wonwoo consoled them.
"Son, we're so sorry... my husband is blind and I didn't-"
"No, ajhumma! It's all okay. I can get new ones. Don't worry-", someone took the glasses from Wonwoo's hands.

His breathe hitched upon realizing it was the head of ophthalmology department, Minatozaki Sana, his crush.
Sana wore the glasses and hummed.


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"Hm... -1 D. Note it!", she said and her assistant implied. "Are you here for an eye check-up?"
"Yeah...", the old couple nodded.
"And you?", she asked Wonwoo.
"Whose shift is it?", Sana asked the maid.
"I-It's nurse Ahn's... she's not-"
"I'm sorry... I was a lil late.", the receptionist bowed.
"Hope you're on time from now on, Mrs. Ahn!", Sana said.
"Yes.. Yes, sure! Doctor Minatozaki! It won't happen again. I'm sorry."
"Hm. Whoever was here first, take an appointment.", the doctor said.
"You can take it.", Wonwoo said to the old couple.
"But you were here first...?", the old lady said.
"You two need the check-up more urgently than I do. Please...", Wonwoo said.
"Bless you, son!", and the couple walked ahead.
Sana smiled. Wonwoo's breathe stuck again.
"You're really kind. Nie, please take him to the specs area and give him any frame of his choice for free. Thanks for being humble in a hospital and handling the situation well!", Sana bowed and Seventeen did too. "Excuse me for a while, will see you after one case."
"Yeah... yeah, sure!"
And Sana walked towards her cabin.

Wonwoo sat down on the chair with a whipped expression.
"Oh my gawd, I'm in love with her.", he squealed.
"His fate is good.", Soonyoung said.

"DOCTOR!", someone screamed again. And this time there seemed to be a patient in pain. A child who was clutching her foot.

"Oh no no no, doctor Yeri is in class right now."
"Is the case that serious to call her?"
"Can't you see the dislocated ankle?"
"Oh gosh, that must be terrible for a kid.", Jihoon said.
"How did such a young kid end up literally dislocating her whole bone?", Seungcheol added.
"By the way, did they say Yeri?"

"MAKE SPACE! KEEP THAT KID AWAY FROM CROWD.", a sweet voice ordered.
"Oh there she is..."
The lady, orthopedic, Kim Yeri ran to the little girl who was crying hysterically.
"Poor soul... how did it happen?", Yeri asked.
"She fell off the stairs.", the mother of the patient replied.
"How long ago?"
"Just five to six minutes ago, we live in the neighborhood of this hospital.", the father replied.
"Yeah! Relax, yeah? Your daughter will be fine. Call the physiotherapist!", she ordered and gently grabbed the girl's broken ankle.
Jihoon was curiously watching what she does.

"Trust Yeri unnie, hm?", she smiled and twisted the damaged bone

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"Trust Yeri unnie, hm?", she smiled and twisted the damaged bone.
Even Seventeen flinched. The little girl slowly sniffled and tried to move her feet.
"Honey, keep your ankle straight, yes? I just made the pain vanish for a while, now doctor is gonna tie bandage around it and we're gonna have a photocopy of your leg."
"Photocopy...? Can I see it?"
"Ofcourse! I'll show it to you first.", everyone smiled. "Um... mam, sir, if the dislocation is serious, we have to conduct a surgery to insert a rod instead of the bone and if it's not, she has to bed rest for months with the leg plastered. Let's get her x-ray and the results are gonna say what we should do further. Let's hope there's no surgery because she's very young and it may damage other organs when she grows older. For now, please admit her! I'll get going and my nurses are gonna do the next process.", Yeri said and the parents nodded and thanked her.

She walked out and the bell rung. Yeri sighed, walking to the reception.
"Had a tough job?", Mrs. Ahn asked. Seventeen listened to the talks.
"Yeah... she maybe only two or three, her bones aren't even matured yet. Surgery can fail. I think it's not required. I should go to Sana unnie, is she free?", the doctor asked.
"Yeah... just one normal power checkup."
"Okay!", and she walked inside Sana's cabin.
"Next, Jeon Wonwoo?", Nie, Sana's assistant called.
"Let's go!", Jihoon grabbed Wonwoo's arm.
"Why you?"
"Because Yeri is inside too. Comeon!"

"Oh hi!", Sana greeted. "So your name is Jeon Wonwoo?"
"Yes...", he nodded.
"Take a seat, please! And him, your guardian?"
"Yes, my brother!", Wonwoo pointed at Jihoon who was busy stealing glances at Yeri.
"Yeri, they were really kind outside. You know-", Sana shortly explained what happened with the glasses.
"Ohhh!!!", the younger nodded. "It's pleasure to have such patient patients."
And they laughed.

"True, so Mr. Wonwoo, now look into my eyes, yeah?", Sana said, holding Wonwoo's cheeks. The other male pursed his lips to avoid cracking up seeing the older turn red.
After the procedure, which was lovely and pleasant for Wonwoo, Sana wrote the prescription.
"Hmm... so chose the frame?", he nodded. "Good! Now you may leave...", Sana smiled.
"Ye-Yeah...", they got up and walked out.

"Unnie, that man definitely has a thing for you.", Yeri spoke.
"He's just a patient."
"Nah, you're just unseeing it. He was here to meet you not for any checkup."
"Ehhh, whatever! I don't care.", they laughed.

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