Ramon's Birthday

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         Ramon remembers his first birthday. It didn't have anything special, as far as he could remember. His first month alive was much of a blur, to be honest. He slept more than he'd have liked to.

Spreen wasn't there. Ramon, at the time, had hopes he would be.

It was a simple day. Just like most of his birthdays.

Now, an entire year later, he's still unaccustomed to the bright lights, balloons, songs, people… it was a dream come true, yet he feared it could change to a nightmare.

He and his two siblings, Dapper and Leonarda, celebrated their birthday on the same day. Chayanne, their brother, was only a day older than the triplets, but decided not to celebrate as… “glamorously” as them, claiming that he didn't need it.

Leonarda asked her dad to build a very nice place for their one year birthday party, and he did not disappoint at all. It is a beautiful place with beautiful towers that no one has no idea how Foolish built in two days.

As a courtesy of Dapper's dad (to be honest, mainly Dapper), the place was guarded by intricate, dangerous and technological security assets. Dapper made sure that nothing would go wrong today.

The decoration, however, was the part that Ramon was the most proud of. He and his family spent so long decorating everything just like his siblings deserved - just like he deserved.

It was full of balloons and pretty lights (which he expected to have, but never expected Fit to be the one to put all of them), beautiful tables with a place for everyone on the island, entertaining songs that Pac (and his rats) chose… Everything was so thought out and Ramon was so proud of his family for doing all of that so well.

He felt especially proud of this decoration, because Pac made sure he wouldn't forget any of the children that would commemorate their birthday today, meaning that the decoration resembled all of the little ones that had already passed, a little altar for each one of them.

Tilin's altar had a few pictures of her, her red bow, drawings, her signature flowers… Pac took the time to talk with all the parents of the eggs that had already passed so he could respect their memories properly.

Trumpet's altar was rainbow colored, it had his little hat, and a few pictures he managed to find with the federation's help. Unfortunately, Maximus had been gone for so long, Pac couldn't decorate it properly since he had no one to consult with his questions. Every part of this decoration was made with Bagi's help, since she spent the Dia de Los Muertos bonding with the little boy. One of the pictures in the altar was one of Trumpet and Leonarda.

Juannaflippa's altar had been the last one to be decorated, since neither Mariana nor Slimecicle had woken up for weeks. Her altar was green-themed, with plenty of pictures of her and her parents, and a few pictures of her and Tilin.

Bobby's altar was the first to be made. Pac gathered all his courage to consult both Cellbit and Roier, unfortunately not being able to ask Jaiden anything since she disappeared. For some strange reason, Cellbit was the one to answer more questions, whilst Roier kept a distance from the topic.
The boy's altar was blue-themed, there were a few drawings that Richarlyson made, his signature gun (don't ask Pac how he got it), a bunch of pictures of him with his parents, with Richarlyson… all of that.

In all of these, there were messages that people put, hoping that the happiness could reach the four that weren't there anymore.

Ramon got distracted looking at the altars. He would be lying if he said he didn't miss those four. They were always making a bit of a mess, that's for sure, but… he'd be happy if he had the opportunity to share a cake with them again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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