Part I

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"You're the face behind the memo...I see."

The oddest introductory greeting he had ever heard; however, it definitely garnered his attention as irises colored the lightest of caramel, lifted to gaze into molten eyes colored like smoldering charcoal, with dwindling embers of flames they helped to create. It was like Apo would burn and wouldn't even notice. He'd just walk into the fire with his chin held high, a smirk playing on his lips, as it was now, and with a slight tilt of his head. "Is that how we're supposed to greet people now? You might have to run that by me again since I was taught names were important in a conversation."

Apparently, the man who uttered the statement hadn't realized what he'd said, shook his head, that was impressively crowned with slicked back hair that anyone would kill to run their hands through just to mess up his pristine image, spoke again. "Introductions aren't my forte. And why bother with names I might never come across again?"

Apo rolled his tongue in his cheek, his gaze flashed dangerously, "Dismissing me so early on in the game might be a mistake. Never turn your back on someone like me."

The other man just raised one of his bushy brows, hands inside his pants pockets as his gaze lingered on the frame in front of him, he hummed to himself. There were plenty in the room with them, but those individual might as well have been stickers on the walls. He paid them no mind as they were basically nobodies compared to the beautiful standout before him. Of course, he knew who this was, the memo had hit his desk before he left for the conference they were waiting to present their ratings at, it was fresh in his mind. The name elegantly scribbled on the letterhead, and he knew it was someone who knew about running a business, he just didn't know he'd meet them so soon.

"Considering you're a president I'd think the opposite." Apo snorted as he leaned against the desk. They were in the room they'd been granted as a reprieve before they were to step out into the lion's den, prepped with their phones, cameras, and microphones to catch any hitch in their voices and capture any droplets of sweat that dripped from their brows in nervousness. He mentally cursed that he was a natural sweater, and it could be perceived to his disadvantage then he saw those eyes keep a steady gaze on him and he returned to the present with a pop of his lips. "Are you planning to say hello like a normal person, Khun Mile?"

"Normality is relative to the person's standards. I'm above all standards..."

Apo snorted at the confidence, "You think very highly of yourself?"

"If not myself, who will respect me otherwise?" Mile nodded. "I give the same standard to others as well. If they don't match my energy, I move on. It's business before pleasure. Besides you already know who I am."

"Unlike you, I do research past just the name on an email or memo." The smirk on Apo's features grew exponentially at the curious expression he received. "I like to know who my opponents are before I enter the fighting ring. It gives me an advantage against their weak points."

"You'll find I don't have any weak points." Mile retorted and was clearly pleased to see Apo's nod of acknowledgement to that power Mile knew how to wield. "It's hard to get phased by a memo that makes demands for things without proper backing." He chuckled deeply. "As you did."

Apo scoffed at that. "My email wasn't a demand; it was an organized proposition detailing the benefits to you and me. If you only skimmed it, that's not my fault. I didn't know you were a hardhead. So instead of becoming my friend, you became my rival." His arms crossed over his chest. "Shame really, we would've made an excellent team."

A laugh came from the elder man as he nodded. "We went from rivalry to a proposal, and back to competition. One would think you're not able to keep your story straight." Mile stepped forward, noticed how the other company president hadn't leaned away, and stood directly in front of the younger to keep his focus on Mile only, "Call me Mile." His eyes flashed in a tease. "Admit it, I have you tongue-tied." Up close, the other's features were radiant, and he was momentarily caught staring uncharacteristically.

"I think you're referring to yourself as being timid right? I'm not the one blurting about memos and faces." Apo didn't budge, even when the other man moved closer, although the wafting scent of the other hit his nostrils and he'd be lying to himself if he said that Mile didn't smell as good as he looked. The tailored suit clung to Mile's broad torso and the color highlighted his lighter features perfectly. He wrinkled his nose. "Anyway, just forget the memo, I read your quarterly presentation for today. Nothing worth my while there. It would've been a bad investment."

Mile crossed his own arms now, stood with a hip popped out in disbelief to the other man in front of him. "What makes you think that I put all my cards on the table? That's a rookie move." He saw realization spread across Apo's face, figured he had done just that and Mile smirked. "Perhaps you're the one who has to impress me."

"Khun Phakphum, you're on," an assistant by the door opened and the room quieted from its chatter to look over to Mile.

Apo's face was frozen in shock at the clear challenge of who was supposed to impress whom, and he frowned lightly. "As if you're worth the effort..."

Mile tossed a casual wink, pointed to the large screen that was available to all of the presidents gathered to watch each other's presentations without disrupting one another, and reached over to grab a lint from Apo's suit collar to drop on the floor and put his finger to his lips. "Watch me." Then turned around to head after the assistant, leaving everyone to peek curiously at Apo who basically turned red from the mixture of being caught off guard, frustration, and general flustered feelings.


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