15# ☆𝙃𝙚𝙚𝙟𝙖𝙠𝙚: 𝙍𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙚☆

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Right in front of me
Ship: Heejake

When Jake's crush reveals he's taken, his world crumbles. As he tries to move on, Heeseung stands by him. Will Jake realize that what he's been searching for might be closer than he thinks?


n Valentine's Day morning, Jake was super excited but also super nervous. He'd been crushing on his friend Sunghoon for ages, and today, he planned to tell him how he felt.

As they sat at the kitchen table, eating breakfast, Jake's excitement turned into nerves. Sunghoon was chatting away, totally unaware of the big moment he had planned.

He couldn't help but worry: What if Sunghoon didn't feel the same? What if their friendship got messed up because of his confession?

With all these worries swirling in his head, Jake found it hard to eat. He wanted to spill his feelings to Sunghoon, but fear held him back.

Just then, something totally unexpected happened. Sunghoon suddenly looked nervous.

He paused, cleared his throat, and announced, "Hey everyone, I have something to share."

All eyes, including Jake's, locked onto Sunghoon. Jake's heart raced, wondering what he was about to say.

Then, Sunghoon dropped a bombshell.

"Sunoo and I have been dating for nearly a month now."

Everyone started congratulating them, but for Jake, it felt like a punch in the face. He sat there, stunned and speechless, as his dreams of confessing his feelings to Sunghoon shattered right in front of him.

He didn't even notice when the others called his name. It was only when they all looked at him, confused, asking if everything was okay, that he snapped back to reality.

With a forced smile, he assured them, "Yeah, everything's fine."

Feeling a lump in his throat, Jake excused himself, mumbling something about needing some fresh air.

As he walked out of the kitchen, he could feel Heeseung's gaze lingering on him. He was the only one who knew about Jake's secret crush on Sunghoon.

He must have sensed his pain, but what Jake didn't know was that Heeseung harbored his own unrequited feelings for him.


Hours passed, and Jake still hadn't returned home, makinf Heeseung's worry grow with each passing moment.

He hadn't even responded to his messages.

But then, just as Heeseung was about to give in to panic, he heard the door creak open. Jake came home, racing up to his room.

Before he could disappear into his room, Heeseung reached out and grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

Jake turned to face him, and that's when Heeseung saw it: tears streaking down his cheeks, his nose red from crying, and the pain in his eyes.

"Heeseung, please.." Jake choked out, his voice barely above a whisper.

Without a word, Heeseung pulled him into a tight embrace.

"Why does love have to be so cruel?" Jake murmured as he cried into Heeseung's shoulder.

Heeseung gently stroked his back, offering silent comfort for a moment before softly responding, "I wish I had an answer."

Jake sniffled. "I just... I never thought it would hurt this much," he admitted.

Heeseung sighed, his own heart heavy with unspoken feelings. "I understand. Sometimes, the people we care about don't feel the same way, and it's incredibly tough to accept."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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