"So, you're here for a new chapter, I take?"
Wheatley scratched his back with a hand of bones.
"Long time waiting for an update, huh?"
He whipped the hand, and it transformed into a fishing rod.
"Or did you come here randomly?"
He raised it all the way behind him.
"Out of nowhere, just getting a notification for this book?"
The sudden force catapulted the tiny hook with some human meat on it all the way across the river, and to the ground on the other side.
"Fuck, too far."
He reeled it back in, and it finally fall of the tiny 4 feet cliff into the calm river below.
"Last I checked, I was killing some noobs in the first floor."
All of a sudden, the line went tense, and the battle was on almost immediately.
"I know, I know, too late for a meta joke at this point."
Wheatley whipped the rod upwards once, and kept pulling.
"Right, we are pass the point of no return the moment I asked you about the chapter."
Whatever it is at the other end, it's putting up a good fight.
"Probably should explain this on the next sentence. Gimme a minute."
Using all his legs, Wheatley suplexed the fishing rod and pulled the spider right out of the river. Yes, you read that right, a spider.
"And now that's done, why don't you start reading starting from bottom to the top, the first letter of every sentence I said."