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Qilby's and Yugo's swords clashed once again. Having fought for what felt like an eternity by then, both Eliatropes just wished the fight would end, but, of course, both felt as if their justice was more important than mere fatigue.

"Come on, Yugo, this is useless. We shouldn't have to shed blood over this. Just let me rule and this can end!" Qilby shouted as the two continued to put up resistance to each other and their ideas. He was fed up with it, though.

"It isn't useless, Traitor," Yugo responded, his voice filled with seething rage, "The World of Twelve will never be destroyed as long as I live!" Qilby silently rolled his eyes.

"There are better planets for our people than this dumb planet that you happened to grow up on, Yugo." With no response, Yugo kept swinging his sword with all of his effort.

They were currently in the plane of the White Dimension where the World of Twelve didn't concern them. Qilby hadn't cared if the whole world was destroyed if he ended up giving Yugo the taste of revenge that Qilby felt he very much deserved, but having the New Sufokians making a ruckus in the background was irritating. Plus, in the White Dimension, he could do whatever he wanted to.

Despite how many times Qilby tried to convince Yugo that his intentions for the Eliatrope people were better than Yugo's, he wasn't listening. Yugo was young, after all, and grew up with this mindset.

He grew up with this mindset... An idea came to Qilby suddenly, even if it meant that the two would end up with a stalemate. He laughed in his insanity filled voice, knowing that it shook even a little more fear into his younger brother.

"One event could cause a whole new story, you know? Yugo, have you ever heard of the butterfly effect?"

"I don't think that matters right now," Yugo sighed his response.

"No one said I couldn't get rid of you in the past, so I won't have to do it now. Yugo, what if I never saw your cursed face ever again?" Qilby stood still for a moment to let the insult settle in with the younger Eliatrope, who ignored him.

"Can you stop talking nonsense for once? It's rather-" he stopped as he pulled his sword down he heavy effort. He had to take another breath before he finished annoyed, "distracting."

Qilby laughed. Now he had Yugo annoyed, giving him the high ground to distract him and execute his plan. He had stopped attacking Yugo, who took the moment for as long as he could to attempt to catch his breath.

"How about instead of an eternity alone, your 'forever alone' would be a childhood of wandering and pleading for your life?"

"The only one... pleading for his life... should be you... Qilby!" Yugo shouted between his gasps for air. They stood still, now, in the White Dimension, the heavy breathing of the younger Eliatrope filling the silence. Seeing as he was ignored, Qilby repeated his question for Yugo.

"How about instead of an eternity alone, your 'forever alone' would be a childhood of wandering and pleading for your life?" he asked again, adding a poisonous tone to the words. Yugo thought for a moment.

"Qilby, what- what does that mean?"

"Haha... we'll find out, you Bouftou," he smirked as he finished. He took the Eliacube and thought for a moment. He knew, as he was told, that a Xelor had attempted to turn back time and somewhat succeeded a few years before Qilby had returned to the World of Twelve. He just needed to give the cube enough of his wakfu and it would comply to his every command. His grin widened.

Yugo watched in horror was Qilby activated the Eliacube in a different way than he had before. It disconnected from Qilby and added light to the already blinding space they occupied; it spread out like dragon wings. In a different conversation Yugo would have even considered it an incredible sight, but his mind was clouded completely with fear, anger, sadness, and dread all at once.

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