24. 𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓.

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---Jungkook's Perspective---

I entered inside the house and Mr.Jeon called me with a smile which I ignored as always, i straight walked towards my room where Y/n is staying from a whole damn week, i come to take her home back, I don't care if she brust on me.

I garb the door knob, ready to open it but ended up getting a tight hug after the door open swiftly, an smile formed on my face as my lady buried her face in my chest.

Her body felt so warm, did she have fever?

She didn't spoked, but instead of that, i felt her all weight on her, "Y/n.", I called her softly. I get no response, her hands lossen on my body, i quickly hold her and saw her unconscious.

"Y/n?", I worriedly patted her cheeks and tried to woke her up, no one come to help me, i quickly pick her up on my laps and lay her down on the bed.

Her body is burning, not only warm. Jae-Hee run towards my room and stand beside me, "What happen?"

Her voice is filled up with worriedness, i sighs and pull out my phone from the pocket of my jeans and dialed the number of the docter, soon in some couple of minutes the docter is here at our house.

"Oppa, come out, we need to talk.", Jae-Hee pulled me with her out from the room, I am annoyed, frustrated and worried, I am not in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Mrs.Jeon, she made her work in this high fever, are you crazy? You left her alone here. Nor picked her calls up.", she said with an irritated look on her face.

"Wait, Mrs.Jeon made her work?", I rose my eyebrow up in confusion and to conform every single sentence uttered by her.

"She made her cook in the kitchen and clean the whole damn mansion alone, she even give holidays to maids, didn't let her go to university.", she explained me every single thing happen here in absence of my presence.

I sighs before taking my gun in my hands which is tugged in my jeans, "This lady will never get better."

I walks towards the dinning table, pulling her chair angrily which caused her to fall down on the floor as Mr.Jeon shouted, "Jungkook, what are you doing? She is your mom!"

"Mom?", I chuckled statistically, i pointed my gun in between her eyes on her forehead, everyones eyes widen, "JEON JUNGKOOK, I AM YOUR DAMN DAD, LISTEN ME.", Mr.Jeon shouted.

A smirk tugged up at the corner of my lips as I frown and looked back at his angry face, "Dad? You're not my dad, only Mr.Jeon."

"My wife is not a maid, Mrs.Jeon.", My gaze shifted towards Mrs.Jeon, gun is still pointed on her head as she pleaded, "Jung..kook, d..on't fire."

"Why?", I smriked, anger is clearly visible in my eyes, she joined her hands still pleading, "Do you want to kill her too?"

I garbed her hairs, is it when my dad garbed my collar making me stand up as he slapped me harder, making my face turn to other side, Mrs.Jeon hid behind his back totally scared.

"DON'T YOU DARE TO SAVE THIS FUCKING WOMAN THIS TIME.", i shouted pointing my gun again on that woman's head when my dad uttered, "Shoot me first then."

"AGAIN TRYING TO SAVE HER? DO YOU WANT MY WIFE TO DIE LIKE...", i stopped, my eyes is already turning red and making chills run down everyones' spine.

Suddenly two hands wrapped around me, pulling me in a tight back hug, "J..Jungkook, d..rop the gun, le..t's go home."

It was the weak and scared voice from my back, I can feel my shoulder wet from her tears, "Y/n, leave me."

"J..Jungkook, please!", she pleaded and her sobs left her mouth, I turned and pulled her in a tight hug, caressing her back, her eyes is tightly closed and her body is still burning, "We are going home, let's go."

I tugged my gun back in my jeans, lifted her up in my arms, her face buried in my chest, tears didn't stopped falling, I really can't see her like this.

"Jae-Hee, take care.", I said from far away and walks towards my black car, as i open the door of passanger seat and settled her down on the seat.

Author's Note:

Hey, so I hope you liked it.

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Love you, Guys!

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