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❗❗ Please read each and every one of these, otherwise I will not rp with you ❗❗

Please be at least 17 and over if you want to rp any non platonic relationships with me.

Read my characters complete profile before you decide to rp with me. If during rp I realize you haven't read their full profile, I will place our rp on pause till you do so.

Since wattpad has decided to be a bitch, all rp will now be discord only. My discord tag is Lotus3692, but please only send a friend request if you have been accepted.

I am currently mostly free, but please remember that I have a life outside of rp and that you are not the only person I rp with. If I haven't responded, chances are I'm a little busy, so give me a couple hours, before you tag me. Also don't spam me.

Please do not start ignoring me if you wish to end an rp as I consider that a disrespect to my time. I understand that you also have a life outside of rp as well, so I give a few days of grace, but if I haven't heard from you for 3-4 days, not even to let me know to give you more time, then I will consider our rp over.

Whenever I'm busy, I'll try to let you know, so please endeavor to do the same. It would only take you a minute to let me know that you're busy and it is greatly appreciated.

Please do not control my oc for any reason. I will give you a warning if you do and move on, but if you continue to repeat this, I will no longer rp with you.

No 1-2 liners, please, for the love of God! Doing this leaves me confused how to proceed and I will kindly request that you add more detail.

Do not make me do all the work! I cannot emphasize this enough! Don't expect my oc to always make the first move! Especially if they are not the type to do so.

No Mary/Gary sue ocs please. Be creative, there are many was to make a character strong without making them overpowered.

If you want smut, then give me smut information. I'm not just going to assume what your character likes in bed, so please try to provide at least a bit of information.

Please note that any oc who's birthday states "XXXX" as the date or who's age states "Immortal" can be used for both medieval and modern rp's, while those with an actual year are to be used for medieval rp's only. If you would like to use a medieval only oc for a modern day rp, please let me know in advance so we can discuss time placement and I can adjust their profile to fit the time.

This book is only for my bottom male oc's, meaning your oc has to be a top or top lan switch if you wish to rp with one of them. As frustrating as this may be for some, I'm uncomfortable with portraying a dominant character at the moment, I will be posting a book of top oc's soon though so if that is what you are interested in then make sure to stick around.

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