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So I was watching videos of soldiers coming home to their families and whatnot, and I got an idea for a one shot story. I know I've got like 5 I need to keep working on, but this isn't an ongoing story. Just a one shot.


Ryan's been overseas for almost a year. He missed the holidays, he missed birthdays, and he was going to miss his boyfriends college graduation ceremony.

Well, that's what everyone thought anyway.

"So do you think you'll be home before tomorrow night? For my graduation?" Brendon asked over the phone.

"I don't think so baby," Ryan sighed. "I know we were supposed to be coming home, but they want us to stay a while longer. Not sure when I'll be home now."

Brendon wiped the tears that fell from his eyes and tried to hide the fact that he was crying in front of everyone on campus.

"I just miss you." He choked out. "I hate this. I want you home already. I haven't seen you in almost a year. It's not fair, they can't just keep you forever. You're supposed to be here already."

"I miss you too, Brendon. But I can't make them let me come home. Unless I go get my limbs blown off. Then I can come home."

"I can deal with you having one leg." Brendon laughed.

"I'm not losing my legs, Bren." Ryan smiled and ran a hand through his short hair. They forced him to cut it. He didn't want to, but those were the requirements. The sides are short, the top is long. Kind of. "I have to get going, but I'll call you as soon as I get the chance. I love you babe."

"I love you too. Please be careful."

"Always." Ryan smiled to himself and ended the call. He turned to Jon and grinned.

"What?" Jon asked, a hamburger practically hanging out of his mouth.

"He's going to kill me." Ryan smiled. Jon chewed and swallowed his food before speaking.

"All this time as a marine, fighting overseas, dodging bombs and bullets and your cause of death will be Brendon." Jon laughed.

"Make sure they put that on my head stone. Cause of Death: Murdered my boyfriend who surprised him at graduation." Ryan laid down on the hotel bed and picked up the picture of him and Brendon that was taken the day before they left. He couldn't wait to see him. "Does Spencer know you're home?" Jon shook his head.

"If he did, he'd run and tell Brendon. We all know that boy can't keep a secret. And I want to see the look on his face when we show up tomorrow."

"I'm nervous," Ryan sighed. "everyone's going to be staring at us and crying and Brendon's going to freak out. I hope I don't give him a heart attack."

"Spencer probably will have a heart attack. You should have seen his face when I skyped him and he didn't know it was me at first. He just about died. And he cried the whole time. Now imagine how he's going to react when I show up in person. Fuck, he's going to be the cause of my death!"

"Boyfriends," Ryan smiled at the thought of Brendon. "gotta love 'em."


"Brendon, come on! We're going to be late!" Spencer yelled. Brendon was in his room, rushing all over the place making sure he had everything he needed. He knew he did. He just felt like something was missing.

And that something was Ryan.

"Okay, I'm coming." He ran down the stairs, his cap and gown in hand and his phone and wallet in the other. "I'm not even happy." He said straight faced, looking at Spencer once he got to the bottom of the stairs.

Coming Home [Rydon | One Shot]Where stories live. Discover now