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In the great hall of Hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry, there could be seen four day sitting and slouching around the gryffindor dining table. Those four boys were none other than James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew and last but certainly not least Sirius Black. Otherwise known as the schools troublemakers. They were all longing around, and every once in a while picking at their food. none of them had much of an appetite, the full moon had come and gone and they were all suffering the consequences of it, Remus having the worst part of it. No matter how many times he had transitions or how many times all his friends would help him, it still sucked and still made him feel dreadful.

Suddenly out of nowhere a loud thunderous bang could be heard coming from the enchanted star ceiling. a very small piece of parchment could be seen slowly falling out of, what seemed to be thin air. No one in the hall knew what to do, everyone just sat around looking dumbfounded and highly confused, some kids whispering and looking around at anybody who they thought could've done it. There were a lot of looks towards the four boys sitting at the end of the gryffindor table. Professor Dumbledore suddenly got up out of his headmasters chair and quickly began to reach for the falling piece of parchment paper. As he read it silently to himself, everyone saw how his face began to grow into one of slight confusion and what seemed to be a little bit of anger.

He finally looked up after rereading the note at least three times, and with a very calm voice began to speak. "I have something to announce to you all, and you all must stay as calm as possible". Everyone looked to each other in confusion but nonetheless agreed.

He began reading. "Dear class of 1976, We know this will come as a big stock to you all, but we are writing to you all from the year of 1999." 

everyone in the hall began to shout and freak out, some screaming about this being a hoax or some elaborate prank. Professor Dumbledore screamed "SILENCE" and everyone seemed to calm down a bit.

he began reading again at where he left off, "this is not a joke and we need your help, the future does eventually become better, but at what cost? last year the second wizarding war ended and the light side won, but at a terrible cost. Friends, family, and mentors all lost, they all died fighting for a cause and we want to change that. we will be sending eight movies to you showing our lives and experiences, also tomorrow morning a few guests from the future will arrive and watch these films with you all; until then goodbye. - 1999" 

No one knew what to do, they all just sat around waiting for someone to say something else. and someone did eventually speak up. It was Sirius, he said " how do we know this isn't some sort of joke", which a majority of the hall thought was ironic considering her was a prankster.

 Professor Dumbledore decided that they would all watch the movies tomorrow and that he would be contacting the ministry to watch the movies as well. With that everyone went to their dorms and almost everyone was talking about what was going to happen tomorrow. 

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