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The front door opened, and Jiji stepped out a worried look plastered onto her face.

"Y/n." She said and walked over. I didn't bother to wipe away my ongoing tears.

She sat next to me and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

"It hurts." I cried. She stroked my hair.

"I know." She responded. We sat there for about twenty minutes until she spoke.

"Can we go in my feet are cold." She whispered. I laughed and stood up. I wiped away my tears, and we went inside.

I sat at the table, and Nidals mum gave me a plate with some noodles on. I smiled and tried to eat.

"Y/n, you can stay here until your parents get better." She said. I said nothing.

"I'm not really that hungry. I'm so sorry. Maybe you can keep it in the fridge until later." I said, getting up. Nidal watched me leave with a concerned look.

"Yeah, same." I heard him say. I sat on the sofa and stared at the wall.

I heard him come in his wheels, gliding smoothly against the floor. He stopped.

"Hey." He said. I ignored him. My head was pounding, and I felt like I was about to throw up.

He came over.

"Want to go on a walk?" He asked.

I bit my lip and looked at him.

"Sure, come on, then I can get your shoes on a wheel you round." I said, getting up and leaving my phone.

He smiled as I pushed him to the front door. I slipped on his Uggs and put on my trainers.

We left, and I tried to pretend everything was okay.

I chatted and laughed.

He stopped the wheelchair and turned to face me. I immediately smiled.

"Y/n just talk to me. I can't bear you faking." He said.

"What! I'm not faking!" I protested. He raised his brows.

"Fine, you caught me." I said.

"Talk." He said.

"Well. I'm just scared. That's it, really." I responded truthfully.

He nodded.

"Well, I'm here for you. Always never forget that, okay? Whenever you need a talk, just say." He said.

"Thanks. That's really sweet." I said.

He reached out his arms. I leaned over and hugged him.

"I love you." He murmured. I shot up.

"Pardon?" I said.

"What?" He said.

"What did you just say!" I said.

"Nothing!" He said, blushing.

"Come on, better get going." I said, ignoring his redness. I felt my cheeks burning up, too.

"Y/n wake up! Y/n!" He hissed into my ear. I ignored him. Someone slapped my face.

I sat up abruptly.

"Oi!" I said.

"Y/n, I just wanted to tell you there is a wasp flying around in here. Be careful, please." He said.

"Ah, it's fine. You know how to use the epi pen besides, I'm tired." I replied and shut my eyes.

Nidal didn't move.

"Nidal sleep, you need to rest." I muttered.

"No, I need to make sure you don't get hurt." He mumbled.

"Fine, I will stay awake and make sure it doesn't come near me now. Get some sleep, Wonder Woman." I said, sitting up again to face him.

Our faces were centermeters away. I gently pushed him away, and he rolled back over to his bed.

I watched him fall asleep. No, that is not creepy. I just needed to make sure he was happy.

As soon as I knew he was asleep, I stood up and got a cup and paper.

I caught the wasp and took it outside.

I locked the door and then went back to bed.

"Y/n Please sleep in my room. We can have so much fun!" Jiji pleaded.

"It's not me you have to ask. It's Nidal." I replied.


"N-" He was interrupted.

"THANKS!" She said.

I chuckled.

I moved my bedding into Jijis' room, and we set up my bed.

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now