11 - 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

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When we got home, me, El and Max went to the bathroom.

Max : "how you girls are feeling?"

Y/n: "my arm still hurts"

Max : "you hurt, maybe we could bandage your wound with something"

Y/n : "thanks"

He took a piece of fabric and some  disinfectant, and she putted them on my arm.

Y/n : "does you neck still hurt?"

Eleven : "only when I talk"

Max : "lucky you aren't Mike, he is always like blah blah blah, do this do that"

We laughed together, I never had friends like that, I mean, I did, with Henry, before we fell in love and got together...and before he left me.

Max : "wait, hear, they're talking about us"

Mike : "what a hell are they doing in there?"

Lucas : "I don't know, girls like spending time together in the bathroom"

Mike : "why?!"

Lucas : "I don't know!"

Mike : "conspiring, that is what they are doing"

Will : "didn't they broke up with you two?"

Mike : "no!"

Will : "she said that she dumped you ass"

Mike : "well we are...having a break!"

Max : "do you realize we hear you, we hear every word you say!"

And we started laughing.

After a few minutes we heard the door of the basement knocking and we got out the bathroom.

Mike : "mom I'm busy!!"

??? : "Mike open the door now!"

Mike got up the stairs and unlocked the door, then he got down with two other guys that seamed my age.

Mike : "Nancy? Jonathan? what do you two want"

Nancy : "where is Will?"

She got down to the basement and they noticed me.

Nancy : "who is she?"

Mike, Lucas and Max started explaining who I was.

Nancy : "El has a sister?"

Will : "apparently"

Jonathan : "does she know about everything that happened in this two years"

Y/n : "yes, I know everything, they explained me everything, from the demogorgon to the mind flayer"

Nancy : "ok, good, you have powers right?"

Y/n : "yes"

Nancy : "how old are you?"

Y/n : "two years older then El"

Jonathan : "your our age then"

Y/n : "I guess"

Nancy : "then why El has the number 11 and you 13?"

Y/n : "because at first I didn't used my powers, the scientists noticed after that I was stronger then El"

Jonathan : "ok, cool I guess, can you help us?"

Y/n : "I guess I can"

Lucas : "she already did"

Nancy : "what?"

Mike, Lucas, Will and Max started explaining what happened in the swimming pool, about Billy.

Nancy : "wait, Billy is controlled by the mind flayer?"

Mike : "yes"

Nancy : "at what hour did you set the trap?"

Lucas : "around 9:00 pm, why?"

Nancy started counting.

Jonathan : "what?"

Nancy : "so did miss. Driscoll"

Y/n : "who now?"

Nancy started exposing about the rats eating chemicals, and miss. Driscoll going mad.

Y/n : "so your basically saying that the mind flayer attack with his "puppets" all together, even if they are far away from another"

Nancy : "yes..."

Mike : "omg."

Lucas : "why have to do something"

Jonathan : "yes we have, but this is new, did never happened before, we don't know what else he can do"

Max : "wait, we didn't tell them what happened with Billy and Y/n at the swimming pool"

Nancy : "what? what happened?"

Y/n : "somehow Billy knew my name, but I don't know how, I never saw him before, I don't know how he knew me"

Nancy : "he said your name? like your name or you name name"

Y/n : "my name name, Y/n, not thirteen"

Will : "what if he can read mind?"

Y/n : 'wait. the people that know my name were only three, dr. Brenner, Eleven and...no it's impossible, it can't be Henry...or can it?'

Nancy : "what if El tries to find Billy and see what he is doing"

Eleven : "I can"

Mike : "you don't have to do it if you don't want"

Max : "Mike stop it"

Eleven : "I can, Thri, could you help me?"

Y/n : "sure, come"

We got to the other room and we putted the radio to the disturbed station, then we bended our selfs.

El started searching for Billy, but I didn't, I had to know if it was really Henry, so I started searching for him.

hi there, hope you enjoying, soon next chapter! 💋
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