Twenty, Our Legacy

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( real life )━━━━━━━༺♡༻━━━━━━━

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( real life )

Maeby thanked her driver as she stepped out of the Escalade, grabbing her purse and quickly looking around to make sure no paparazzi were flooding the area. Luckily, she went unnoticed and slipped into the restaurant. Elysium Haven was lacking its usually crowded dining room as her father had bought the restaurant out just so they could have a private dinner. The hostess, recognizing her, led her through the elegant dining area, past tables adorned with fresh flowers, to a secluded corner of the restaurant. There, seated at a beautifully set table, was her father, Kanye West, a warm smile playing on his lips.

Kanye quickly stood up and engulfed Maeby in a hug, her eyes already starting to water as she fell into her father's embrace. She realized how much she had missed him, and as he squeezed her it brought her back to the days of her childhood. The days where she couldn't wait for him to walk through the doors of their home after being away at the studio for hours. As much as Maeby liked to think the divorce didn't affect her as much as her siblings, she couldn't deny that there had been a hole in her life that her father wasn't allowed to fill anymore since she no longer saw him everyday.

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