Chapter 28

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"For the school trip we will have in 2 weeks, you will all be group into pairs. You'll have two weeks to prepare for the project and you'll need to do the presentation after the trip. I will share your groupmate shortly." Their professor said. "Please make sure that you do your research on the businesses around the area and interview their HR or their CEO to get your project completed. It would be best if you contact them as soon as your pair will be announced. Now, I want you all to sit beside your pair to start as I announce them."

Jungkook suddenly got nervous when the professor said that it will be a pair. Seokjin should not be pared with Kim Taehyung, anyone else would do, he thought.

"...Han Soo Hee, Jeon Jungkook..." the professor said. Seokjin looked at Jungkook, disappointed that they were not paired. Jungkook does not seemed to care and was still listening carefully at their professor.

"... Kim Taehyung and Kim Seokjin..." and that was it. That made Jungkook's nerves pulse explode.

Jungkook and Seokjin looked at each other with undetermined emotions or at least they were trying to hide it.

Taehyung smirked on the other side.

Yoongi and Hoseok looked at the two, knowing it will be a mess.

They were then asked to stay with their pair.

"Jungkook, what do you think about us going away after the interview?" Soo Hee asked Jungkook, obviously flirting with him.

"Not interested." Jungkook said as he kept his eyes on Seokjin and Taehyung.

Soo Hee got irritated seeing Jungkook was only glancing at Seokjin and Taehyung.

"It's so nice to finally have a time alone with you." Taehyung said to Seokjin who was busy researching on the businesses in the Busan place they will stay on.

"I will be contacting the Milmyeon owner in this restaurant tomorrow. Do you have anything---"

Taehyung suddenly covered Seokjin's phone.

"Can't we just talk about what plans we can do in Busan? It's just the two of us you know?" Taehyung said with his famous boxy-smile.

Seokjin was so annoyed with him.

"First, I don't care about you. Second, I only care about the completion of the presentation. Third, you piss me off." Seokjin said angrily.

"Wow! Powerful words from a very innocent man like you. You are amazing." Taehyung said uncovering Seokjin's phone and sitting comfortably on his chair while he watches Seokjin. "I will surely enjoy my time with you." He said.

Seokjin rolled his eyes and focused more on his phone to research on businesses in Busan.

"Tell me, are you still a virgin?" Taehyung asked.

Seokjin's eyes widened with the question.

"I think your question is not part of the project and it's very inappropriate. If you don't have anything to say, please excuse me, I just need to visit the comfort room." Seokjin said and hastily went away.

Jungkook, observing what is happening, quickly followed Seokjin out of the room. However, Seokjin was quick but good thing Jungkook knew where he went.

"Jinnie?" Jungkook said as he entered the comfort room, looking for Seokjin.

Seokjin went out from one of the cubicles pouting.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked as he went near Seokjin.

"I hate him, Kookie. I am not comfortable with him. There's something about him that I can't figure out and he does not hide it at all." Seokjin said.

Jungkook hugged him. "I know. I will make sure that I will watch you and him wherever you go. He won't be able to do anything to you in my watch." Jungkook said, calming Seokjin.

"Thank you, Kookie." Seokjin said hugging Jungkook tighter.

"Shall we go back to your class?" Jungkook asked. "Your professor will be looking for us."

"Okay. But kiss me first." Seokjin said and Jungkook happily obliged giving Seokjin a long kiss.

Seokjin hugged him tighter until he felt Jungkook's tongue requesting for entrance, which he gladly allowed. He moved his hands over Jungkook's neck to pull him closer while Jungkook held his waist tighter and pulled his lower torso towards him.

Seokjin felt Jungkook's cock and he smiled in the kiss knowing he has that effect to his boyfriend even though they haven't done anything yet. He was still enjoying the sensation when Jungkook pulled away.

"We need to go." Jungkook said trying to catch his breath.

Seokjin understood his decision and nodded while he held Jungkook's hand as they go outside.

"By the way, how was Soo Hee as a groupmate?" Seokjin asked.

"Did not pay too much attention to her. I was looking at you and Taehyung the whole time. I don't remember a thing she said." Jungkook said.

"Kookie, you still need to submit the presentation, right?"

"Namjoon will do it. I'll ask him to be with her." Jungkook answered.

"I can't believe you have all those priveleges and I don't." Seokjin said.

"You are studying while I guard you. You should do your best with your studies. I am not supposed to do anything." Jungkook answered.

"Okay, fine." Seokjin answered with a pout. "Do you think we can go somewhere around Busan? We can request to be left there on the weekend."

Jungkook smiled at him. "I would love to do that with you." He said with a smile as they entered the classroom together, letting go of each other's hands before they went to their seats.

Taehyung observed how they interacted and he had another idea in his mind.

"I am enjoying this a lot. I think it's better to level up the game." He said to himself before Seokjin got next to him again.

Just a short update because I'm kind of busy but wanted to actually give you something. 😘

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