A Lovely Stranger

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One day Mila and her friends are in the party and they see Claude walking by the street and they called him. Claude walk to them and started talking about their lives, Aya said "i have two babies they are twins" and, Claude said "i have 3 sons and 1 daughter" while Mila are just listening to them, because she has no children to tell to them.

It was raining when Mila feels loneliness because she have no companion in her small house, because she is the only one living there.

Mila is working on NASA because her mother is the CEO of NASA and while she was still young her mother train her how to be good at Science and Mathematics to learn more about the world and the lines for working at NASA because her mom wants her to be the next CEO of NASA if her mom will di3.

Mila sees Jinnefer her old bestfriend they talk about their lives until it was late at night when suddenly someone grabbed Mila's bag Mila cries while running after the man she tried to catch the man but she failed. She started crying while her friend are calming her.

Jinnefer: it's okay we can buy you a new one okay?

Mila: you don't understand it have all my money and my credit       card if I don't have the money I can't buy medicine for my mom.

Jinnefer: h-how much money do you have in your bag?

Mila: like 1,250 dollars only 250 more for the medicine.

After what happened Jinnefer feels afraid to talk to Mila again because she was the one that ordered to snatch Mila's bag.


15 years ago they were playing in the castle and Mila told her idea to Jinnefer to sneak into the castle, they sneak into the castle and walked slowly towards the kitchen, they see a lot of foods that they did not eat before, they get some foods and they get their favorite food too the fried chicken, they started eating it with some crisps left over, the chef saw the crisps and thought it was the maid who ate it and then the little girls go to the master's bedroom until Mila accidentaly broke the vase, the chef heard this sound and goes to the master's bedroom, after he opens the door Mila pulled Jinnefer and goes far away from the vase while Jinnefer are standing there with confusion, the chef opens the door and saw two little girls playing inside the master's bedroom with the broken vase.

Chief: who break the vase??!

While they are sitting on the chair Mila suddenly point his finger to Jinnefer and said.

Mila: she broke that vase I saw her playing that and- and broke   that vase.

Jinnefer: I didn't break it, you it's you who did it I was just looking to the beautiful plants until you pulled me over after you break the vase (trying to explain).

Mila: so why are you that close to that broken vase?

Jinnefer: because you pulled me over-

Chef: shut up! Hey who is that girl?

Mila: her name is Jinnefer.

Chef: hey Jinnefer must better to call your mom over. Who is your mom? And i will tell the King about this?

Jinnefer: my mother's name is Jennie.

Chef: good, now you better go home (while pointing at Mila) and you stay here and call your parents to pick you up here and we'll talk about what happened.

Mila run fast and keep thinking about Jinnfer. Jinnefer stay there and because of fear she cried and never thought that Mila will do that to her. Now Mila feels sad about what she did to her bestfriend Jinnefer. Mila said this to her mom what happened earlier. Marry run as fast as she could to tell Jinnie what happened to her daughter. The two of them run fast into the castle. Jinnie was begging to give her daughter back, after they get Jinnefer Mila's mom are kissing her in her forehead because she tought Mila are just watching to what Jinnefer's doing, while Jinnefer are being punished for what she has done, she cried a lot. But Mila are just watching her being punished and laugh at her. Mila doesn't even give Jinnefer a hug or a sorry for she has done.

 Mila doesn't even give Jinnefer a hug or a sorry for she has done

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So now she is a teenager she can do what she want. It's her time to get revenge on Mila now. She was faking Mila to be the best bestfriend ever by making Mila falls for her trick, she was just planned for this and she wants to revenge to Mila because of jealousy.

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