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"Do you have the takis?" Jiji asked, not looking up from her phone.

"Not sure. Hang on." I replied. I stood up and went to the kitchen.

Nidal sat at the table on his phone.

I opened a cupboard and looked for the takis. When I found them, I picked them up a proud smile on my face.

The smile quickly dropped, and the takis fell to the floor and burst open.

I span around to face Nidal.

"What about Nala!" I panicked. Nidal looked up, confused.

"Oh, your dog, don't worry, she's with Salish." He responded and then went back to his phone. 

I sighed and then crouched down to pick up the takis.

Once they were in the bin, I went back to Jiji's room.

"Jiji, can we go to Target or just get out." I said.

"Yes, I was thinking the same!" She said.

"Starbucks, Target, and then just walk around.

"Yes, let's go to Starbucks first because you know the cute little cup holders on the carts are so adorable. I hate them empty!" Jiji chatted. I agreed and we got our drink.

"Let's get some more takis." I said, picking up a packet.

"Treats for Nala we could drop them off at Salishes and say hi?" Jiji said.

"Yes, you genius!" I said happily.

We walked around for a bit and then paid.

"Now let's go to Jordans." I said.

I ran ahead until we reached their house.

Jiji knocked, and we waited patiently outside.

I heard Nala barking, and my heart fluttered.

The door opened, and Jordan stood there.

Nala pushed through and lunged onto me.

"Hi girlie hi!" I said, cuddling her where we both lay on the ground.

I gave Jordan the treats, and we talked for a bit before we left.

"You two could get along well." She said.

"I doubt it." I replied.

"He's nice. Nidal is good friends with him." She said.

"Okay, we could all meet up. Nidal, too." I said, picking at my nails.

"All right, I will tell Nidal and him then." Jiji said, typing on her phone.

We walked to a park and sat on the swings.

"Let's see if I can do twenty handsprings!" I said and got up.

"Front." Jiji said. I nodded and tied my hair back.

I started and didn't realise how hard the ground was.

"Eighteen, nineteen and twenty!" Jiji said and clapped.

I almost fell over as I walked back to her all dizzy.

She laughed, and I joined in.

We messed around on the equipment before making our way back.

I had a strange feeling that someone was following us, but I pushed away the thought.

"Let's watch a movie with the boys when we get back." Jiji said.

"Good idea make it horror, or Neshan probably won't watch." I said, chuckling.

"I think mum has Popcorn. We always do unless we have just had movie night." Jiji said. 

I just couldn't shake off the feeling that we were being followed. I looked over my shoulder, and my eyes widened.

I nudged Jiji and indicated behind me so I wouldn't scare the stalkers.

"I think they are following us." I said quietly. Jiji swiftly glanced behind her shoulder and nodded.

I turned around and gasped.

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now