Escape {1}

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Finally my first day of college. I didn't have much expectations but still hope everything will be fine. I am now about to enter my new college with much different and mature attitude than the previous me. This time i will not let anyone mistreat me. I have to make a tough girl impression on whom no one can rule.

I am 20 years old and was previously studying in Busan but i never liked there. I desperately wanted to not only change my school but also the city. I wanted to move to a new place and start a new life with a completely different personality and character.

Only i knew how hard was it to convince my dad to move here without telling him the real story. I have to tell many lies and make up many stories in order to persuade him to move to Seoul.

Not to mention that Seoul is an expensive city and there was no way he'll gonna accept that easily as the only thing he love was money and he didn't want to spend it specially on me so i unwillingly offered him a deal which immediately made him agree. I didn't knew that time that how badly i have fucked my life up.

As i am already good in studies and was selected in this college on scholarship so he didn't have to pay for fees.

The reason i wanted to leave that school was bully. I have been bullied physically and mentally since my mom died and me being the innocent and naive never try to protect myself.

But now i decided that i will not tolerate this. I have to protect myself. But i can't do it there as it's been like a tradition for them to bully me and it's been so long that it won't help even if i fight back.

Therefore i decided to move here. After we shifted to Seoul and before the college starts there was a 2 months break. In order to stay away from home as much as i can and avoid the deal which i made with my dad i decided to start part time jobs which i made him agreed by saying that we have to earn money and i will give all my payment to him therefore he allowed me but it didn't help me run away. But i got used to it now. It didn't matter how i felt now.

I enter the college and i can notice multiple gaze on me which did make me nervous but it was normal as i was new here so i will be the center of attention for at least on my first day.

Hopefully nothing bothering happened and i made my way to principle office and then to my assigned locker and i started arranging my things.

Just as i close my locker i was met with a girl. She was beautiful and was dressed nicely but seeing her facial expressions and her way of standing and looking at me i can clearly say that she is a spoiled brat. She might be that queen of college who will bully others. I sighed mentally. Not again a bully. Still i stayed calm and asked her calmly.

"Yes, how may i help you?"

"You are a newbie so i think i should warn you. Don't ever dare to annoy me or come in my way if you want your college years to be peaceful. I am the college hearthrobe so don't dare to mess up with me. And last but most important stay away from my boyfriend. I know he is handsome and girls drool over him but he is already taken."

Hats off to this girl's intelligence. She thinks that people come to college to find relationships, or maybe people does, but it doesn't mean that the first thing I'll do here will snatch her boyfriend.

I said with a calm tone but also with a hint of warning in my tone.

"I have no interest to come in your way but i won't sat still if someone mess with me. And last but most important i m not here to steal boyfriends or make boyfriends. (smirk) But i can't help if he comes after me."

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