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A woman with minty green hair and ruby red eyes. Her eyes gently soften when she stares at the moon, her hair fluttering on the cool evening air.

Her heels gently clank on the wooden floor boards of an old abandoned warehouse. And behind her was a group of knights trailing behind her.

"My, what do we have here?"

The most defining feature besides her looks was her voice, which was heavily sought-after. Sweet yet sultry singing voice that can both charm men and women.

The lovely lead singer and owner of the Arcana Troupe.

Well known for her beauty and-

"Double cross me again, and I will cut off your mangy tongue, you damn mutt,"

-foul language. Who knew such a pretty woman would have such a crude vocabulary.

And as she kicks him hard, enough to make a man grovel to the  ground and steps on the man's back using her sharp heeled shoes.


her expression darkens and stares at the man with heavy disgust. She sighs as she signals to her guards.

The guard, dressed in dark green and black clothing and reveals a long cigarette pipe and delicately puts in between the woman's fingers and lights it up.

She puts her hand lazily on the knight's cheek and lazily mutters

"Thank you, darling,"

"p-please! spare me, mistress!"

She ignores the man's pleas as she continues to smoke her pipe.

"Marquis Peille, you are under arrest for charges of embezzlement, fraud, and falsified documentation under false pretences you prick."

"I apologize!ugh, please have mercy  on me your highness"

the man continues to weep.

"You thought by fleeing and hiding here in the Henituse territory and disguising yourself you thought you'll escape the clutches of her Imperial Royal Highness?"

She laughed, laughed, and laughed some more. At this sorry excuse of a noble of her mother's empire, she would have such foolish thoughts.

'escape? no one can outrun the blizzard, you fucking bitch'

No one can escape the frostbites and icy snow that is called her family.

A guard hands her a scroll, decorated in white and gold. Who knew such a pretty scroll would hold such heavy weight on a human's fate?

She casually opens the scroll in a bored tone.

"And by under the decree of her Royal Highness the Empress. Your assets shall be seized by the crown, including your land, savings and your territory, and shall be judged accordingly by her Royal Highness, Princess Esmeralda Willow of Wynteria"

She sets the scroll down and hands it over to her people and calmly sashayed to the bleeding man before and sits down to reach down his level.

"This what happens if you don't fulfill your end of the contract, marquis"

A wicked smile is painted on her red lips. Before the man could muster the words to say something, she puffs up her pipe right onto his face, making him cough.

"Luckily for you, I have a no killing idealogy. So I shall bestow you the honor to be my pets new toy!"

"B-but you said!"

"ah, ah, ah! I said I have a no killing idealogy but my pets? they don't have the same thinking like us mere humans so in short, I'm not killing you, they are"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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