Sebastien Bhessan

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The ending to this Backstory is to go with my dnd campaign start he is a Paladin turned to a different oath.

Born to a noble family Sebastien Bhessan had very little to worry about as a kid. While his brother Korven and his sister Melisandre tended to flaunt their upper clas status by buying expensive clothes and trinkets. They also treated the lower class as servants hitting and abusing them, only for his parents to pay off the abused parents to keep their mouth shut.
Sébastien made friends with everyone trying to help them feel important. He had a couple friends Clayton Biladz, a shorter boy who was the son of the blacksmith and Colette Nissad the apothecaries daughter, who was a half elf with silvery blonde hair. They went on adventures together trying to become tougher. One day Sebastien got severely hurt. Getting a scar down his cheek. Once that happened his parents blamed Colette and Clayton. They forced them out of town on threats of destroying their lively hood. Sébastien suffered from depression for a long time afterward. As years went by he was scoffed at by other nobles due to his appearance but not once did he blame his friends.
Once Sebastien became an adult he was hired to be one of the kingsguard after they noticed his talent with a sword. For years he did the kings bidding believing he was doing right. Except one day he was ordered to burn down a village after they made threats to the king but something didn't seem right so Sebastien went into the town to investigate only to learn that they only refused to be a part of the kings land. Sebastien refused to carry out the orders. His Commanding officer Emerson Grandmore didn't take it well so he tried to kill Sebastien for being a traitor. Sébastien accepted his duel and won Killing Emerson. He then went to the Village to try and help them move to a discreet location so the king wouldn't harm them. He found a good location and gave the directions to the mayor before leaving. After 2 days of travel a cluple mercenaries found him and escorted him back to the town where he fed a lie that his Commanding officer and him were attack and he lost his life. The king didn't believe it and stripped him of his title and banished him from the kingdom. From that point on he kept hearing a deep voice almost like a growl telling him to find him. He kept hunting for the source of the voice and accidentally treaded upon holy land l. He was arrested and sent to the penal camp to serve his sentence.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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