The stars

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                           Sorry it's a bit short!

As he sat there on the edge of the lab looking up at the night time sky, he let out a deep sigh. It was almost midnight there in swallow falls. It's been a long week to say the least.

The stars twinkled in his deep blue eyes. Losing his mother was beyond painful to say the least, he often hid his pain from others.

He knew he would see her again at some point, but it was still incredibly difficult nonetheless. There were times where he wanted to ask why.

Why his mother had to pass on so young, and leave him here on this depressing, colorless island. Lifeless is what Flint would describe it. Gray, colorless, lifeless, flavorless. He knew he was meant for greater things, but he often felt stuck.

He felt stuck in a place where he couldn't thrive. He almost felt trapped at times. He would never admit this, as he didn't want to burden anyone, but deep down, these were his feelings. He wanted to see more things.

He wanted to try new things, see places he's never seen but everyday it's the same old boring thing. Not to mention having a father that doesn't understand him. Of course, he loved his father very much, and he was a great father, but he just didn't understand him, in fact, no one really understood him. That was except one person.

He just wanted to be himself, but he couldn't be himself anywhere. He couldn't be himself when he was out, if he even dared to stand out even a little from the others he would get shunned. He always did. He couldn't be himself at home because his father just wanted him to act like everyone else, and simplify his life.

The one person, of course who actually did understand him, wasn't alive. Even earlier today he was talking about his ideas and was shut down. That's what he gets for opening up to people. So he really didn't see the point anymore.

Which is why Flint really enjoyed nights like these, where there were actually clear skies and he could see the stars. It was often very cloudy there, but occasionally he could see a clear night sky. He loved to look up there with his telescope on nights like these.

He couldn't explain it, but he could feel his mother's presence when he looked up at the stars. If he was lucky, he would see a shooting star.

It comforted him in a way that was so touching. It was as if his mother would send shooting stars from Heaven, reminding him that she was with him. He treasured nights like these. More often than not, the skies there in swallow falls were heavily cloudy, and gray.

However, on clear nights like these, it was as if his mother washed away all the gray and sorrow in his life, and brought out warm and inviting stars to remind him to let his personality, and who he was, shine. To embrace his differences, and his creativity. That she was with him. To have the courage to keep going, and keep inventing, and keep creating.

Flint couldn't help but smile at this. He truly felt his mother's presence. He knew she was always with him, even on cloudy days and stormy nights.  He had to keep going, he had to keep doing what he loved. For his mother. His mother would really make her presence known to Flint, on nights like these, especially when he needed strength and courage. His mother gave him strength.

So what gave Flint the strength to go on? It was his mother. His mother was always there watching over him, no matter where he went or what was happening. His mother sent Sam to be in his life. Someone who understood him. She gave him strength. Flint always took comfort in knowing she was with him, and one day, he would see her again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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