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Yn pov

I woke up when sun rays hit on my face, but I felt two strong arms on my waist I looked beside and saw tae sleeping while hugging,
He looks so cute while sleeping,
The mole on his lips, on his nose, on his eye that made him more beautiful,
I was staring at him, suddenly I remember last night,
I'm feeling bad for him...
I sadly sigh and tired to remove his grip but I couldn't because he is too strong,
After so Many struggling, I remove his grip, and peck his forehead, and go inside bathroom,
After taking bath, I come out of bathroom only towel wrapped around my body,
I stand in front his wardrobe and thinking

Yn: What should I wear? *thinking* I didn't bring my clothes here *thinking*

After few minutes I decide to wear his tshirt or shirt, but I couldn't find pant or blazer of my size,
So I only find shirt,
I wear it,

After few minutes I decide to wear his tshirt or shirt, but I couldn't find pant or blazer of my size,So I only find shirt,I wear it,

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(Yn outfit)

I go downstairs, all maids and guards bowed at me,
I smile at them and went towards kitchen,
The maid bowed at me and asked

Maid: mam *bowed* do you need something?

Yn: no, I came here to make breakfast *smile*

Maid: no mam, I'll make breakfast otherwise if master see you making breakfast, he'll get angry *shook her head as no*

Yn: he'll not get angry *smile* plzzz i want to make breakfast *puppy eyes*

Maid chuckled and nodded, and I stared making breakfast,

Yn: What should I make? *thinking* yes, pancakes and strawberry milkshake *smile*

I was making Breakfast, but flinched by two strong arms on my waist,
I turned back and sigh in relief

Yn: good morning tae *smile*

Yn: good morning tae *smile*

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(His morning look)

Wow how can he look so handsome even in early morning 😍

Tae snuggle into my neck and say in his deep voice

Tae: good morning love *deep voice* why didn't you wake me up? *pout*

Yn: you were tired so I thought I wouldn't wake you up *smile*

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