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Jennie is dumbfounded.

When did Taehyung start chasing her? Why did he suddenly confess to her?

She couldn't react....

"Are you not willing?" Taehyung looks at her.

Jennie shake her head.

"No?" Taehyung began to translate her body movements, "Are you willing?"

Jennie's voice is shy, "It's not....."

Taehyung approached her, his warm breathe blows on her ears. His voice is magnetic, as if he was born to tempt people. "Does Jen doesn't like me?"

"I, I....you" Jennie stuttered.

The man just raised his eyebrows,"Who am I?"

"Don't tease me like this..." Jennie almost cried.

She couldn't bear it anymore.

Taehyung seemed to have woven a net to surround her, she have a hunch that once she is caught in the nest, she would be swallowed whole with no bones left, even her consciousness would no longer exist.For example, this morning she can still resist Taehyung's temptation, but now....who is she? What is she thinking? What is going on? Jennie's mind have completely blank. Except for the pink bubbles that kept floating outside, she did not know anything.

"You...." Jennie's voice choked, she pushed Taehyung with the little bit of her sanity, "Can you step back first?

Taehyung took a step back but did not leave, instead he stood by the window behind her.

Jennie took a couple of deep breathe. When she finally calmed down, she started to pack her things. She only have couple of things to pack, but it seems to have taken her longer to clean up. Only her and Taehyung is left in the classroom.

"Jen," Taehyung suddenly called her.

"What do you want?" Jennie did not look back.

"Come here." Taehyung replied.

Jennie did not want to respond but after looking back, her feet started to move on its own.

She walked to the window and stop in front of Taehyung.

"You, why did you call me over?" Jennie asks.

Taehyung straightened his hair on his temple which has been tossed by the wind, and suddenly stretched out his arms and pulls her into his embrace. Jennie's blushing face is almost smoking.

"You...let me go, don't....." she struggles.

"I want to kiss you, can I?" Taehyung suddenly asks.

Jennie raised her head and saw Taehyung's deep gaze. He did not wait for her to refuse, Taehyung put his hands on the back of her head and presses his warm lips into hers.

"Um...." Jennie opened her eyes in shock, time seemed to have stopped. In the silence, she could clearly hear her heartbeat.

Unknowingly Jennie closed her eyes, as she is being kissed, the wind blew by her ears, as light as a whisper. Taehyung's lips pressed against her.

"Jen....." Taehyung held her face and kissed her lips."I really like you...."

Soon after Jennie's chin was pinched, Taehyung's wet tongue stretched out, entering her mouth, the tenderness disappeared.

"Um..." Taehyung keeps pressing her chin, making her mouth open wider, his tongue churning her mouth wantonly, sucking her tongue wildly.

Die.....She's going to die.....

She can't breathe...

Jennie wants to struggle, wants to push him back, but the man presses his hands on her head tightly, and his kiss got more intense.

"Hmmm.....hmmmm" her breast is pressed to the man's chest, and even her p*ssy is being pressed by Taehyung's knee between her legs. With his domineering kiss, Jennie's p*ssy convulses and she climax.

Jen who recovered after a few seconds couldn't help gasping for air and at the same couldn't help looking at herself.

Just....what just happened?

After being aggresively kissed, why did her p*ssy convulses and climax? Even after she climax, why is her lewd water is still gushing out, she couldn't hold it.....

"Jen...." Taehyung is also panting, but still holds her face, "Be my girlfriend, okay?"

Jennie couldn't answer, she has soaked her underwear. She did not know if it stains her pants. She wants to run away, just want to escape, wants to go back to her dorm and clean up, but Taehyung stopped her. He trapped her between the window sill and his arms."Jen, be my woman?" Taehyung proposes.

"I...." Jennie could not speak.

"Give me an answer." Taehyung insisted.

"I, I promise" Jennie shrank her head and pushed Taehyung away with blushing face. This is already the case, what else does Taehyung doesn't understand?

"You let me go back first...." she really wants to go back and change her pants.

But Taehyung put his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"Jen," Taehyung said with an imperceptible tremor in his voice,"Jen , I'm really happy."

He kissed her again.

Jennie is kissed until her p*ssy starts gushing lewd water again.

Jennie almost cried when its over.

She doesn't know if all girls are like this, or her body is so sensitive that a tongue kiss can make her climax, isn't it just a tongue kiss? How can it be, how can she climax by being kissed?

"You have another lecture this afternoon, do you want me to stay and accompany you?" Taehyung inquired."No!!!" Jennie is really scared.

She does not want to climax again, and pleadingly, "We are not meeting anymore today." Her eyes were teary and begging him.

Taehyung look at her for a long time and laughed softly,"Okay, but remember you are my girlfriend now."

Jennie was dazed for the whole afternoon. She did not know how she blacklisted Taehyung in the morning and not talking to him to suddenly being kissed and being Taehyung's girlfriend in the afternon.

Before going to bed, Taehyung called to say good night.

She played the words in her head over and over until she fell asleep.

When she opens her eyes, Taehyung opened her legs and directly inserted his erect thick c*ck into her c*nt.

"Sl*t, your p*ssy is already wet, isn't it? You're dripping so much lewd water, you are waiting for your master's big and thick c*ck to f*ck you right?" Taehyung aggressively exclaimed.

"Ah~" Jennie moaned in pleasure, but in fact she is dumbfounded. "Huh?"

"You little sl*t? A little b*tch who likes to be f*cked by thick c*ck. Why are you so sl*tty? Is there any more woman sl*ttier than you?" Taehyung keeps on exclaiming. Jennie is really confused.

What is wrong with Taehyung, is he really sick? Pretending to be gentle and considerate during the the day, and at night became a beast. Does he have multiple personality?

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