Chapter 04

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Jeon Brother's pov :

Now we are in our new mansion at Han village .Yes we buy this mansion bcz we will stay here for some days . We will go back to Seoul after taking our Angel with us . Our office will handle by our managers so we are worried about our works .

Author pov :

Y/n 's house -

Its now 8:00 pm so she is with Jisoo .Jisoo is reading a book for y/n .While y/n is just sitting on the floor leaning on the wall .Her eyes are close & listening Jisoo's reading .Its a beautiful fairytale book .Yes she is still childish,her grandparents never let her know about adult things bcz of her little space syndrome .She is ok now bcz she is living without stress or sadness now . (Imagine its night)

Jisoo finish her reading & look at y/n who is now sleeping with pout ,she chuckled & peck her forehead

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Jisoo finish her reading & look at y/n who is now sleeping with pout ,she chuckled & peck her forehead .

Jisooisnt only a friend of y/n , she is also her unnie . Jisoo live with them bcz many years ago her parents kicked her out of their house , they were very abusive & at that time Jisso was only 12 .It was a rainy night when 8 years old little y/n was going towards their house with her grandparents .They saw Jisoo on the road , her body was shivering, her face was saying her all her misery so they took her in their house .From that day Jisoo is living with them . They love both y/n & Jisoo equally . Btw Y/n 's grandpa is a rich (but not too much) farmer in their village.

Jisoo smiled while looking at her little sister then suddenly she hear grandma is calling them for dinner .So Jisoo slowly shakes her to wake her up .Y/n wakes up & pout .

Jisoo : Yeh don't pout ,grandma is calling for dinner, after dinner you can sleep .*smile*

Y/n : Ok. *pout*

With that, they both go towards dining room for their dinner .

After dinner y/n is now in her room .She love stars & moon so she is just looking at them from her window while laying on her bed .Slowly she fall asleep.

(Imagine its light off just moon light inside this room)

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(Imagine its light off just moon light inside this room)

She is sleeping while hugging her teddy ,her face is glowing bcz of moonlight but she dont know that 3 pairs of eyes are looking at her with love in their eyes . They are looking at her from window .They slowly go inside her room without making noise .They are Jeon brothers ,they cant sleep ,their mind was stuck on her so they are here .It wasn't difficult for them to find her bcz they follow her smell & came here .

They slowly sit near her .They look each other & nodded.With that Gguk put his hand on her forehead & golden light come out from his hand & its making her unconscious .

Jungkook : We are sorry angel but we just want to spend our time with you .*whisper*

Jk then checks her door which is lock .So he goes towards her bed & sit there with his brother .They threw that teddy other side of bed .

They make her sit & Jungkook hugs her & also Gguk & Jk .They hide her in their embrace .They sniff her scent which is making them crazy for her .

Jungkook slowly placed wet kisses on her neck while Jk & Gguk also placing kisses on her shoulder , neck , jaw .Jk open buttons of her pajama but didn't pull out from her body .They make her laid on the bed .They just kissed her upper body (she is wearing bra)but they didnt place hickeys bcz they know if they did then she will be scared of this so .Jungkook look at her lips & lost it he smash his lips with her softly & kissed her while his brothers are also kissing her upper body .

After some time he pull back from kiss & then Gguk & after Gguk Jk also kiss her .After kissing her they close the buttons of her pajama .They lay down on her bed while she is between Jungkook & Gguk & Jk is laying beside Gguk while holding her hand .They are feeling peace ,their heart is beating only for her .

Then they talk with each other with mind links -

Jk : She is so innocent hyung ,i can't wait to take her to our palace .

Jungkook : We cant be hurried first we need to win her trust ,remember if we will force her then she will hate us & reject us .So we need to do everything smoothly .

Gguk : Yeh Jk , Hyung is right .We need to wait for sometime then we will take her .

*Mind link over *

After a few hours they get up & peck her lips one by one .They fix her duvet & go out from her window after looking at her for last time .

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