Winston and Nidal

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"They're so cute! Omg, Jiji, take a picture!" I said excitedly, squatting down.

The little duck family plodded up to us.

Jiji took out her phone and took some pictures.

"You guys need to go home, not follow us!" She cooed.

"Let's take them. We can set up the paddling pool until we find somewhere for them to go!" I said.

"Back to Target then!" I said and stood up.

"I will go. You stay with the ducks." I said and ran to Target.

I filled the cart up with a huge paddling pool all folded up into a big box, duck food, a little house for them, bowls, toys, and a ramp, and a carry cadge.

I paid and then ran back to Jiji out of breath from carrying all of the stuff.

We put the ducks into the cage, and I carried them whilst Jiji carried the rest.

We went into the back garden and built the pool and then got the hose and left it to fill up.

I set the ramp up to the pool and made sure it was sturdy.

I chucked some of the pool duck toys into the water whilst it was filling up.

I then put the house in the shade of the trees and made sure the door was open so they could get in and out in the day.

Jiji put the two bowls for food and water outside the cute little house.

Once the pool was filled up, we put the hose away and went into the garage where we found some fencing.

We placed the fencing around the garden and then let the ducks out.

The fencing was there so the dogs couldn't 'play' with the ducks. Obviously, the ducks could go away, but they couldn't leave the three baby's behind.

"Let's name them!" Jiji said.

"The mum is called Daisy. The dad is William, you choose the baby's." I said.

"Pebbles, Winston, and Elsie." Jiji said, pointing to each duckling.

The ducks went straight to the pool and splashed around happily.

"You girls!" A voice said.

I jumped.

Neshan climbed over the fence, shaking his head smiling.

"You will be the death of me!" He said.

"They followed us. We had to help them!" I explained.

"Yeah, and besides, they can go whenever they want!" Jiji said.

"So why the fencing?" He asked.

"Ducks can fly, you know." I said.

"Yeah, I knew that!" He said.

"Get Nidal!" I said.

Neshan went back inside and came out with Nidal.

Nidals jaw dropped when he saw.

"Like it?" I said.

"Why have you got ducks!" He said, confused and shocked.

"Long story, but we named them!" Jiji said and repeated the names.

Neshand and Nidal burst out laughing.

"Y/n, you're too cute." He said.

"The ducks are too." I said, watching them swim around and duck under water.

We went back inside, and Nidal complained about his room not being ready.

Jordan had texted me that Salish was coming over tomorrow to see Nidal and distract him so Jordan could redo Nidals room as a suprise.

I nodded to Nidal, not knowing what I was agreeing to.

"Exactly even you think that!" He said.

"Yeah!" I replied, finally listening.

A small quack came from the house.

Nidal went silent.

"Oh no." I said and sprang up. I ran to where I had heard it and saw Winston running around the house.

He was surprisingly fast for a duckling. I ran after him.

He ran into the living room, and I heard Nidal scream.

I ran in and saw Winston on Nidals head and Nidal looking alarmed.

"Don't worry, it's just Winston." I said.

"Who!" He said.

"One of the ducklings." I said. Nidal heaved a sigh of relief when I said that.

"Aw, you two look so cute. Let me take a picture." I said and whipped out my phone.

Nidal took the duck off his head and gave it a little cuddle.

"Well, once you have finished your bonding time, I will take him back outside." I said and watched him.

"He is my duckling, okay!" Nidal said as I took him back outside.

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