Chapter 1

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As Juliana sat at Sally's Diner lost in thought, she couldn't help but wonder what the future held for her. It had been a month since she woke up in Sunnyside Memorial Hospital, battered and bruised, with no memory of what happened to her. Despite her lack of identification, she had managed to find a temporary place to stay, thanks to the generosity of the townspeople. But the question remained, what would happen to her next? With the name Julianna in her head and a made-up surname from a magazine of Carter's Bikes, she knew she had to start over. However, she remained hopeful that soon she would find the answers she was looking for and move forward with her life. Juliana sat alone in one of the cozy booths at Sally's Diner, her thoughts a jumbled mess. It had been a month since she had woken up in Sunnyside Memorial Hospital, battered and bruised, with no memory of her past. Despite her lack of identification, the kindhearted townspeople had taken her in and helped her get back on her feet. But as she gazed out the window, she couldn't help but wonder what the future held for her.

The diner was bustling with activity, the clattering of dishes, and the cheerful chatter of customers filling the air. Juliana took a sip of her coffee, savoring the warmth and bitterness as she tried to sort through her thoughts. She had managed to come up with a new identity for herself, using the name Julianna and a made-up surname from a magazine about motorcycles. It was a fresh start, but she still felt a sense of unease. What would happen to her next?

Sheriff Geller Wilson, known affectionately as "Pops" by the locals, had been a beacon of kindness and hospitality. He had offered her his fishing cabin as a temporary residence, and Juliana was grateful for his generosity. She knew she wasn't alone in this town, and that thought gave her some measure of comfort.

Despite the uncertainty of her future, Juliana remained hopeful that soon she would find the answers she was looking for and move forward with her life. Until then, she would take things one day at a time, surrounded by the warmth and kindness of the people of Sunnyside. Sheriff Geller Wilson, who was affectionately known as "Pops" by the locals, had come to her aid and offered her his fishing cabin as a temporary residence. Juliana was grateful for his kindness and hospitality.

As she sat there, Sally, the owner of the diner, approached her with a warm smile. Sally was a petite woman, barely reaching five feet in height, with a kind face that had wrinkles from a life well-lived. "How are you doing, dollface?" Sally asked with concern in her voice."I can't believe it, Sally! The doctor finally gave me the green light to start working next week," I exclaimed, feeling a rush of excitement. My dark brown hair fell perfectly around my face as I imagined a world full of endless possibilities. With my shoulder-length hair and piercing dark green eyes, I knew I could conquer the world. "But where do I start?" I wondered out loud, feeling a little overwhelmed.

Sally knew exactly what to say to cheer me up. "Guess what, I just heard that Bill, the owner of The Hut, is looking for a new bartender. And the best part? I know him pretty well!" Sally winked at me, knowing that she had introduced me to Bill just last week. I laughed with her, feeling a sudden rush of excitement. "Really? That would be amazing! But I'm also a bit nervous that I'll mess it up," I added, putting my head in my hands."Of course, my dear. Give me a few minutes and I will give him a call for you. In the meantime, why don't you enjoy a slice of our delicious apple pie? Teddy will bring it to you right away," Sally kindly offered before walking away.

After enjoying my slice of pie, Sally returned with good news. Bill said I could start on Monday, and Kaylee would show me the ropes. Excited to start my new job, I quickly finished my pie and began walking to Pop's Cabin. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my head, followed by a voice screaming, "Why do you have to be so stubborn, Julianna?" Disturbing visions of a faceless man appeared in my mind. Dropping to the ground I let out a little cry of pain. As I stumbled and fell to the ground, a sharp cry of pain escaped my lips. My eyes closed tightly as I felt a warm, gentle hand on my shoulder. A gruff voice spoke, "Easy now little lady," and I opened my eyes to see a towering figure before me. He stood easily over six feet tall, with broad shoulders and a rugged physique that spoke of strength and resilience. His hair was a mix of salt and pepper, and his piercing blue eyes seemed to look right through me as if he could see into my very soul. Despite my fear and confusion, I felt a sense of calm wash over me in his presence.

"Hey, let's find a good spot for you to rest," he said with a friendly smile, leading me toward a nearby park bench. The sun was shining down on us, making me squint as I followed him. "I'm Timothy, but you can call me Tim," he said in a cheerful tone as we walked. I could hear a hint of southern twang in his voice, which made me smile. Still feeling a bit woozy, I replied, "Hi, I'm Julianna. Thanks for helping me. I'm not sure what happened." Timothy put a reassuring hand on my shoulder and said, "No worries, I've got you." He assured me that it was no trouble and that he couldn't leave a damsel in distress. We found a cozy wooden bench, and he offered me some water and a granola bar, which I gratefully accepted. As we chatted, he told me about his son who had just moved back to town, and I shared a few tidbits about myself. The sound of the birds chirping was calming, and Timothy was a great listener, offering kind words and encouragement. Before we parted ways, he gave me his phone number and told me to call him anytime I needed help. I felt lucky to have met such a friendly and caring person.

Lying in my bed, I am thinking of everything that happened today. I got cleared to start working, met a new friend, and had a flash into my past. As I think back to the voice I heard in my head screaming at me, I realize that as soon as I heard that voice, I was struck with a chilling fear. I still wonder who that voice is and why I am so scared of him, but the question should not be why I am scared of him, but rather who he is and if he is the one who has been haunting me all these years. The voice was not familiar, but it felt like I had heard it before. It was a deep, menacing voice, and it seemed to be coming from within my mind. I tried to push it away, but it only got louder and more persistent. It felt like it was trying to control me, to make me do something I didn't want to do. I can't help but wonder if the voice is somehow connected to my past. Maybe it's a long-forgotten memory trying to resurface, or maybe it's something more sinister. I don't know what to make of it, but I know that I can't ignore it.

As I drift off to sleep, I make a promise to myself to try to figure out who or what is behind the voice. I don't want to live in fear anymore, and I need to know the truth.

A/N: Hey there! My name is Lilly and I'm new to this. I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts on whether I should continue or not. Thanks in advance!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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