📖;; 𝐂𝐇. 𝟏𝟓 '𝐄𝐗?'

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

((Ello again reader! Or an new guest I suppose~ 'm seeing you reading this 😍this will cause.. 𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒 LIKE THE LAST CHAPTER 🥲 because I'm horny and some of you guys probably are . BUT OH MY - 1.K READS?! TYSMMMMMMM😍😍)

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

White lily :: "I like you...!"

She shouted. Well not really that loud. But also with nervous and emberassment in her voice. She's redd-ish more than earlier she became. And she have big pink-ish hearts in both of her eyes. As if she's proven than she really inlove with you.

Y/n ::"...what?..di-did... Yo-..u.. -?.. "

You stuttered Flattered. Okay. How many simps do you really have..!? Or are you in an never-ending dream that your forever stuck in there?!

White lily ::"I... Have been obsessing over you very... Very.. Lately . I thought an confession will make you feel better.! I know I know my sexuality is probably disgusting to you but just because we're both girls dosent mean I can't like your sweet heart.. It reminds me of how... Pure vannilla cookie treated me when I'm always mixed-up emotions.. "

She said this as... She was about to cry because she will know that you will probably rejected her feelings just because your an girl and she's also an girl but... You also felt your heart beating rapidly..
Is this... Another love building inside of you?

Y/n :: *chuckles* "hahah.. ! White lily!.. Please don't be like that.. You know. Your also an beautiful lily just as everycookie! I really like your intelligence and sweetness! Of course u can't reject to some cookie like that! And who cares if where both girls? Sometimes females have diffident sexualities. Mines probably bisexuality.. But.. I love just the way you are! You may think you did not treat me right before but.. You did treat the other cookies right!"

You giggled as you wipe white lily's tears with your clean thumb. White lily is now the suprised one and gave no words left to say out of her mouth as she stared at you flusteringly

White lily ::"you know you don't have to treat me with such... Kindness in your heart.. Right?.. It's just... "

Y/n ::"no no! It's alright! I'm okay with it!.."

White lily ::"n-no no! You deserve somecookie' bette-.. "

She yelped in shock when you hugged her gently. But she felt very comfortable in your affection so she hugged back..

Y/n ::"shh.. It's Okay. My Scars and wounds are already healed white lily... "

She don't say anything now.. But hugging you like her life depending on it.

(( white lily finnally win the heart of yours~ but hey. It's not the end yet. You still gotta meet your 'ex' AFFOGATO. Yes he's your ex. But he wanted you back..will he accomplished? You will fishy-find  out soon! ))

It was now Saturday! No school... Man you have no friends any where! Only if you can be with your loves~..
But let's ignore that and head outside! To feel the fresh peaceful wind to clear your mind.. When you walked out of the house,.
The road was empty... No cookies.. Where are they..? Meh. They are probably busy too.

You walked into the streets alone . Walking... It was.. Very foggy.. You want an cookie to talk to.. But good thing! There's an cookie you saw in the road.. You waved at the cookie and said..

Y/n ::"hello dear neighbor! How are you doing?.. "

You said calmly. You haven't seen this cookie before... You can't see the cookie because it was foggy and dark.. Until the cookie turned around and revealed it self... It was.. AFFOGATO COOKIE!?

affogato :: "we finnally met again darling~!.."

Y/n ::"...!? Wh-what are you-"

He suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you an little closer and you can now see him more clearly.

Y/n ::" what are you doing..?!"

You said as your mood changed to relaxed to panic.

Affogato ::"oh din't you miss me~"

He said teasingly as he tried to get your heart even though he's literally failing.

Y/n ::"-le-let me g-go!!.. "

Affogato ::"not until you satisfy me.. "

He drags you out of there. He was dragging you to he's house?! What on earth is he gonna do to you!?
When you both reached he said HOUSE.
you were pushed into the bed. As he locked the door.

Y/n ::"ouch.. That hur-.."

You got shushed up by hes hand

Affogato ::"your not going anywhere more... "

He suddenly was pulling your skirt down..
And kissed you. It got mMtmtndrre hotter when he added hes tounge in the kiss..
He pulls out your blouse.
Sparing your aka bra and socks only.

Affogato ::"I will be easier.. For now~.. "

He started carresing your waist which made you trembled.
He kissed you with he's tounge inside inside of you as you were about to cum already

Y/n ::"a-ah~!.. Af-f.. Fo-gato..! "

You moaned in pleasure. As he sucked your neck. He's hands started carresing your ass .

When he finnally pulled away. You were panting heavily trying to catch your breath. He suddenly but he's finger inside of your wet -freshed pussy.. He smirked as he's eyes met yours.. As he cupped one breast and made you moaned again..

Affogato ::" you seen shy his darling~.. Since it's nightime this will probably be short for now.. ~"

After that he fixed the bed and took an very big care of you.. You can tell of how he misses you.. He fixed you up.. He seems more touchstarved than before. You cking onto him for dear life. He chuckled and snuggled you yo like an cute wittle buwwito :3

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