Foolhardy Endeavor

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It had been a long night. Drinking heavily and partying hard under the neon lights of the club. On the dance floor, a crowd of inhibrated teenagers partied away. The fake identification they paid for was well past worth it in their eyes. They moved about to the beat of the music. A subtle rhythm that guided their movements. Daniel had separated from the group, snout deep in the toilet. He couldn't help but puke. Too much, too fast. He wished he had left while he was still feeling warm and fuzzy. He attempted to push himself up to his feet. Though he felt wobbly, he managed to walk over to the sink within the grimey restrooms. Daniel felt as if his head was going to explode. A horrible feeling, but he needed to get home. After a good paw wash, he exited the restrooms and gently wobbled over to the payphone. It felt like he was walking on stilts. He picked up the receiver. He knew his parents would kill him if he had to call them for a ride home, so he tried his best to remember his friends phone numbers. Victor probably wouldn't pick up, probably too busy on a date to notice. Beorn definitely wouldn't pick up, probably passed out from exhaustion by now, and Daniel already knew Rebecca hates his guts right now. He called Francis. He could only hope Francis would pick up. It was ten, after all. After a few rings, Francis had picked up.
"What is it, dude?" Daniel could feel the agitation in his voice. "H-Hey Franky, I, uh, really need a ride home... Would you mind?" Francis reluctantly replied."Ok, where do you need me?" Daniel let out a small hiccup as he replied, "Thanks, I'm at that club V-Victor told us about. I know I shouldn't have gone in the first place, complain at me later." Francis said "Alright just don't die, omjk?" The subtle beat of the music was like a knife to Daniels ears, but Whe decided to make his way through and wait outside. Daniel walked through, fairly easily thought disoriented lightly by the nature of the dark club. He sat outside against the wall. Waiting for Francis to show up. He felt sick, but at least the night air felt good on his fur. He tried to take his mind off it. He pushed his ears down, trying to keep all the noise out, but ultimately found it fruitless. Eventually, Francis arrived in his sedan. Daniel felt horrid for bumming a ride, but the splitting headache he had was significantly more pressing to him at the moment. He gently clambered into the back. Francis asked. "You ok?" Daniel muttered back."I owe you one." They began to drive off, but that was just the beginning of the night for everyone there.

Back in the club, no one had noticed Daniel slipping off into the night. As someone began to set their sights upon a quarry. Eileen was busy sipping on her mixed drink and talking amongst her friends. They continued to do so well into the night. After all, it was the weekend they had no place to be. failing to notice the eyes watching. A perculiar set of eyes, a set that had malicious intent. She wasn't aware of this watcher. The neon lights and dark walls could keep anyones attention. Eventually, the night grew thin. Elieen and her fellows began to walk home, and though a bit tipsy, she decided she could make her way home alone. Spliting off from the others, she waved them goodbye. Much to her stalkers delight. He followed a fair distance behind to keep her suspicions to a minimum, but he could contain the urge no longer. He began to encroach closer, faster. Though she had done this same walk before, she felt an odd feeling, the feeling of being watched. She began to pick up the pace, hearing a second set of steps behind her. She took a quick look behind her and...

Within a second, all Eileen had time to see was a smooth, dehumanizing, painted white mask with deep abysal eye holes, a rain poncho that covered the entirety of her ambusher and a karambit made from hardened steel. A deadly enigma charging at her! Though she struggled, she still felt the blade slip between her ribs. A gut-wrenching scream was let loose and was abruptly and prematurely stopped by the same blade entering the neck. Within a moment, Elieen was dead.

Her attacker stood over the corpse. Unfazed and unfeeling. Blood dripping down the blade. Same blood staining his plastic gloves. From a distance, this could have looked like a mugging gone horribly wrong when that is anything but the truth. He wiped the blade clean. He gently cleared the hair from her face before quickly fading into the rain filled night. A gentleman in everything but execution. Fleeing into the night, it would be unlikely that anyone would find her till the morning...

Daniel groaned in the back seat as Francis told him, "Next time, don't get hammered when you know you never handle it well." Daniel nodded his head noxiously. "I know, I-I know." He said. Francis tried to drive at a slow pace. He didn't want to nausiate his friend any more than he already was. Daniel didn't want to say the real reason behind his excursion to the club. He knew Francis wouldn't let him live it down. Francis flicked on the radio at a low volume. Something to listen to to pass the time. It sparked to life fairly quickly. "Heya, this is Dutch Campbell for VAL radio. An absolutely killer frequency! In recent news, the mayor is viaing extra funds for our boys in blue. Carnim Police department has been pretty lacking recently what with all the rumors of a killer lurking about, but as of yet, they have no evidence this supposed killer even exists. To be fair, I would rather the police be suspicious of foul play than let them get away with it, right?"
Francis had been disturbed by the idea of there being a murderer out there. He had read articles on the killings. All party goers. Francis couldn't lie he was worried for Daniel. Damn canine couldn't avoid a party if you put a gun to his head. He was always out and about, but the last thing Francis wanted to hear was his best friends name being announced by Dutch Campbell as the latest victim. Francis took a peek in the backseat, Daniel had fallen fast asleep. Francis let out a sigh and realized his thoughts would likely fall on deaf ears. Where to take him? Francis figured his pops would skin him if he came home drunk, but they would probably be worried sick if he didn't come home.
He decided it would be for the best if he just dropped him off at his place. His parents would be angrier if he didn't come home that night.
They arrived at the Ottman household within a few minutes. A decent house in one of the more suburban areas of Carnim. 108 Eastern Avenue. Definitely didn't pick the place based on its street name, that's for sure. Francis noticed Daniel was still asleep, he reached back and gave him a light poke. "Hey, wake up." He uttered. Daniel jolted a bit at the poke, sitting up a fair bit, but upon looking out, the window grew obviously anxious.
Francis walked his friend to the door. Daniel was shakey, but it seemed like he could make his way inside unassisted. Francis still walked him up to it anyway. Daniel had a wincing look on him. He was dreading walking through that door. Fortunately, Daniels father didn't seem to be home. At least he wouldn't have to worry about that for a few hours. Daniel took a small breath before lightly balling his paw and giving a quick knock. Not even a few seconds later, Ms. Ottman answered the door with claws out and some furious words for her son to hear. "Where were you!? I almost had a panic attack!" Daniel stayed silent, giving his mother the apologetic puppy eyes as she ranted at him. Though his attempts were futile as she pulled him into the house and continued to list the reasons why he should never do that again. She quickly told Francis as she began to close the door, "Thank you, Francis. Honestly, I don't know how Daniel would keep his head attached without you. Have a good night, ok?" Francis nodded and started back towards his car, hearing Ms. Ottman getting louder in her yelling. Francis knew it was better for him to deal with it now rather than trying to avoid it and making it worse. He sat down in his sedans drivers seat, getting ready to drive back home. He saw the angry shadow of Ms. Ottman throught the window. He wondered how hard Daniels life must be. What with having an overprotective hound for a mother. She definitely cared for her only son, that was for sure. Francis began the slow drive home. He could afford to take his time. After all, he lived on the same street. Evetually getting home, he saw that he had left the lights on, or at least he thought he did... Francis opened the door to his home with a bit of effort. It's a small house but a decent one. An entryway gave immidate access to the stairwell. To the left, a doorway leading to the kitchen and nook, to the right, the living room where a medium-sized tv sat. His room was upstairs. He took a leisurely stride up the stairs. He saw his door, and for one of the few times, he was happy to lock himself in there for the rest of the night. He opened the door to his room. A room full of nic nacs and bobbles, but it was his. A mid sized bed stitting in the corner was calling to him. Taking a seat and rubbing his eyes, he felt like everything wasn't going to be okay. He knew everything wasn't going to okay. Something was always ahead of him. Either school work or personal projects. Yet here he was making time to save his friend from a situation he got himself into. He dug back into his bag. Grabbing ahold of that math paper he cast aside when Daniel called. He is going to be busy all night with that setback.......

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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