Hey, my name is Wynter, this will not be a long story but I am 17 in my second year of college, I am struggling with my mental health but not many people know, I may talk a lot to people I am comfortable with but I don't talk about my feelings. Lets go back to High School it all started in year 11 we came back from summer, I seemed fine but it wasn't till I was talking to someone in my class about something and he told me it could be my mental health but I wasn't to sure what that meant and what would happens from that moment onwards and he told my head of year and since another student told her about the same thing she was concerned and so she spoke to me about it, she was amazing and made me feel comfortable but the thing is I never talk about my feelings like ever so I was scared, due to exams it was becoming so overwhelmed and stressed, I really struggled with my feelings and just became quite towards everyone since I really didn't know what to do and how to cope with my feelings but somehow I got through all my exams and through school without talking to anyone with how bad it got.
Anyways prom was coming up but everyone ditched me so I had no one to go with to to be with at prom so I was by myself for a lot of prom but I had a group lot of class mates that looked after me since no one deserves to be alone on the best night ever aka prom, I had a lot planned for summer to keep myself distracted and it worked well kind of, my aunt was ill for the whole time I was in year 11 and I was struggling with it, I miss her very dearly and the same she week she passed I had my GCSE results so I wasn't in the best head space but I did better then I thought, I got through the summer and now it was my first day of college.
Even though I struggle so much I still put a smile on and act like everything is fine, I have everyone fooled but anyways I did childcare the first year of college, I loved it but it was stressful the best part was placement and the fun parts of the lessons, I made some friends during childcare I always struggled to make friends so it is nice to have some.
So I'm now in my second year of college with two friends from college who would of thought I would make it to 17 let alone staying in college, I have plans to stay in college for the next couple years but seriously who would of thought I would make it this far and my 18th birthday is in the next 4 ish months, I am proud of myself which I don't say much but I never thought I would make it to my 16th birthday, right back to the course I'm doing now which I love this course, everyone is kind, caring and verry helpful, I don't think I would be here without them since my mental health is getting worse and I haven't had a proper meeting with anyone for a while so I am struggling in silence but I am starting a badge making business which is more making too many badges or just giving them out because why not it makes people happy and it keeps me going while struggling and I will forever be grateful for everyone I have met in the last couple years in college that have helped me to get me through the tough times without evening knowing that they have helped me, even some High School teachers I'm grateful I met because they helped me a lot in year 11 and everyone has pushed me to keep going and reminds me I am doing amazing and I just get on with things and me still being here while trying to recover is because of the amazing teachers, tutors and LSOs I have know.
Thank you to everyone who has helped me on this journey you have helped me without realising.
My life
RandomThis is the story of my life, the good and the bad. I'm 17 in my second year of college enjoying life. Not really but I am enjoying parts of it but my life is not the best.