Chapter eleven gonan kill my self

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---------------two weeks later------------

Isabel POV
I can't wait to move in with cam and his mom and sister I bet it will be so fun. "Cam thank you for letting me stay with you"! I say happy and I give him a hug. "Isabel I need to talk to you". He said a little quiet. "Ya sure what is it"? I say scared. "The doctor wants you to stay at a crazy home till you get your memory back". He said looking down and in a shaky voice. I just look out side the window from where I'm at and let the tears fall from my face. "Isabel I'm-" cam said and I ran out the room. I walked in to my room and got one of my blades and sliced so deep in my skin so much boold came out and I just look at it will a lot of tears and my hole face red. I try to find a rope or something to kill my self with. I find my belt and tied it up to the fan. As I'm tying it I start to count down on 1 I'm gonna tied my head up there

10 ugly
9 no one cares
8 worth less
7 not meant to be here
6 Cam what's he going to think
5 Sam I don't want him in pain
4 Taylor he fell I love with me
3 Hayes with out me he would never ask out the girls he likes
2 One of my friend I met here at the hotel (sorry I didn't put that she made a friend).
1 All the names I said.

"Isabel?" Someone said from behind me. I turn around and I start to cry and tears fall out. "Isabel it's ok pleas don't leave me". Hayes said and tears fall out of his eyes. He hugs me tight and my tears dry. "And no more cutting ya I see that!!" He sculled me. "I'll go get you a banded". He winked and went to the bath room. I lay down on my bed and Taylor walks in. "Hay Isabel why are you crying"? He said. "Oh I see, pleas don't die. If you die first I'll kill my self cause I won't be able to see your amazing smile". Taylor said putting his forehead close to mine. I back up and he gigged. "I have a boyfriend Taylor. I love you in all but I only see you as a friend. I'm sorry". I say and Taylor walks out the room.

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