Chapter 29

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"Do you have everything you need?" Jungkook asked when he entered Seokjin's room while the younger was packing.

"I think so. Are you done packing?" Seokjin asked him.

"Hm." He answered with a nod. "I also secured your grandfather's signature for the consent you have sent for you to stay in Busan." Jungkook said handing Seokjin a piece of paper that was newly printed.

Seokjin stood up with a smile and kissed Jungkook's cheek. "Thanks, Kookie!" He said, taking the paper from Jungkook.

"You are welcome, baby." Jungkook said smiling at his lover. "Even if we stay there for 4 days, do not pack too much, okay?"

"Yes, Kookie."

Days went so fast and it's finally their school trip in Busan. To Seokjin's surprise, Taehyung had been cooperative to him with the project and even suggested good businesses that they can contact. Jungkook was still a little skeptical with him but the mere fact that he did not do wrong for the last 2 weeks made it better but also worse. Jungkook feels like it's hard to read the mind of Taehyung and to even understand his reasons why he wanted to be closer to Seokjin.

"Namjoon and Jimin will come with us secretly. They will be there for the rest of our stay in Busan." Jungkook said as he sat on Seokjin's bed.

"Hyung told me." Seokjin said as he sat beside Jungkook.

"Are you excited? You haven't gone this far before." Jungkook asked while looking at him.

"I am more excited about the plans we'll have after. Jiminie hyung said you and him are from Busan and you are aware of its streets. I want to know the places you always go to."

"I am not sure if we'll have time to visit those places but I'll make sure to go around with you." Jungkook said as he supported himself with his hands trying to relax in his seat on the bed.

"That's what I look forward to." Seokjin mentioned as he laid down on the bed. "Maybe we can visit your parents' tomb." Seokjin said remembering he was told that they were in Busan.

Jungkook looked at him and realized how pure and kind Seokjin is. He smiled and kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "Thank you. We can do that, baby." He said and Seokjin kissed him, too.


"You know your father will be mad at you." Seojoon said as he watched Taehyung packed his things for the trip.

"Why would he? He always wanted to be on top of everything. What if I marry the only Kim heir?" Taehyung answered not even caring about the advise given to him.

"You know that's not what he meant. He hates the Kims a lot. Doing this would be chaos. You do not know whatever he did just to bring them down."

"Well, if he won't tell me then I won't also stop. I am attracted to the heir and I like how I anger the guard. I am enjoying it this much." Taehyung said with a smirk.

"Once your father knows what is happening, he will kill the both of us."

"I don't care. He can kill me or tortured me like he usually does, it's the same anyway. Nothing new." Taehyung said as he touched some of the scars he received from his father's torture. One car, particularly on his chest, has the biggest mark. "He killed my mom, he killed my sister, why would it even be different if he kills me? At least I get to do whatever I need to do."

Seojoon got sad by what Taehyung said. He understands what is happening and he feels sorry for Taehyung everytime he sees him being tortured. The young man experienced worst things from his own father.

Seojoon is the person who would usually take care of him every after torture. Most times he thought about killing the young man to end his suffering and Taehyung would never be mad at him because he also would prefer it. However, he still hopes that one day, Tae will get to live his life better than how he does now.

Seeing Kim Seokjin, Taehyung had been livelier. Even though Seojoon knows this won't do anything good, he likes seeing Taehyung happy.

"I will follow you in Busan." Seojoon said.

"You should. I thought of a really good way to make sure that Kim Seokjin will be mine." Taehyung smirked.

"What are you thinking of?" Seojoon asked.

"A lot of things. Best thing is to make sure that Jungkook will see what I plan to do with Seokjin. That would be a lot of fun. I wonder how the biggest mafia clan and their best fighter succumbed when they see what happens."

"What do you want me to do?" Seojoon asked.

"Rent a very big and good room. A place where I can tie Jungkook's big arms while he watches my plans with Kim Seokjin." He said happily thinking of the next things he would do.

"You don't plan on raping him?"

"Well, it won't be rape if he'll agree with me doing it." Taehyung said.

"You know that Jungkook can kill you."

"I know. And that makes it more fun." Taehyung said as he closed his baggage.


"Mr. Kim, these are all the documents you need. It has all the information about the White Tigers." Yeonjun mentioned as he gave the documents to Heechul in his office.

"Thank you." Heechul said as he looked at the folders.

He then stopped browsing after seeing a piece of paper.

"When was this test taken?" He asked.

"1 week ago. Namjoon was the one who sent it to the lab." Yeonjun answered.

Heechul breathe out while looking at it.

"I need Namjoon here today." Heechul said.

"Will ask him, Mr. Kim. How about Jungkook? Do we need to tell him?"

"No, not yet. Let him focus on Seokjin and give him an order that he should not kill Taehyung in any way, nor inflict any pain on him. They need to bring him here as soon as they can. Their leader declined my invitation, probably I need to get the son of their leader to know and understand what is happening."

"This is noted, Mr. Kim. I will call Namjoon." He said before bowing and leaving.

Heechul looked at the papers again.

"Kim Taehyung." He said while he looked away. "I need to let him meet my Seokjin soon." He said with a smile. "They'll both be happy building a family together."

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now