Chapter 11 The Decisive Match

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As would manage to win his following matches leading him to be one of the finalist, Ash Pikachu who he would nickname Stormer and the rest of the pokemon he had bonded with over his eight year training would have their turn to fight and something unexpected would happen again which was Wyrmungand would evolve into Jormundracirius after Ash won his semi final match, seeing Wyrmungand evolution would shock everyone because they had no idea that Wyrmungand can evolve into Jormundracirius because there has only been one recorded account of Jormundracirius every appear which was bonded to Lorien and the fact is people of Midgardis barely see any Wyrmungand because they very rarely every see. Ash would notice that his newly evolved Jormundracirius is much small then Lorien's Jormundracirius in fact Ash's newly evolved Jormundracirius was the same height as Ash. After winning his match Ash would meet up with his old friends and family who would congratulate him on his win to which he would state that his battle won't easy but would say it made it more fun, then suddenly  some would grab Ash from behind and would say prepare to die anéndotos. Ash at first would try to reason with the one with a knife to his neck but then would inquire about what the hooded figure called him to which the figure said surely you haven't forgotten anéndotos which would lead Ash to realize who the figure out who the hooded figure is and would confirm it when he called her Artemis, Artemis would remove her hood confirming the hooded figure was his friend Artemis with both hugging each other then Ash would introduce her to his old friends and family as commander Artemis one of the friends made during his eight year training then Ash would get a feel of annoyance with a voicetress man would greet Ash with a nickname that always got annoyed every time someone calls him that, the man who called Ash by his nickname Ashster is called Heimdall while the man beside him is called Baldur. Along with the three were the siblings Signy and her brother Sigmund, then two more figures would appear who are called Aengus and Áine who Ash was glad to see each one of them and would try to catch up with them but they said they have somethings to take care of but they would meet up with Ash later at his place, Ash's old friends and family were curious about hearing that Ash has a resident which Ash would bring them to and once they see his place, Ash's old friends and family would be impressed with his current resident appearance and even more impressed with the decor to which Ash would explain the painter he painted himself although it wasn't easy to make, hear that Ash was the painter of the paintings in the room, Ash would then state that he will be cooking which they were trying to cook instead or clam they were hungry but Ash wouldn't take no while not deny in the past he wasn't the best at cooking but has gotten better over the last eight years. While Ash was cooking dinner his old friends and family would notice the nice smell thinking that the food he's cooking and would see that Ash's cooking has improved after seeing that the food he cooked looked good and would find it tasty after trying it. Ash would explain his friendship with Artemis, Heimdall, Baldur, Signy, Sigmund, Aengus and Áine which would lead his old friends and family would ask him why Artemis call him anéndotos to which he explain that it's part of Spartirian tradition that once one finished their Spartirian training they receive name that matches their personality, from certain events during their training or any other event which is how Ash got his nickname which was during his training and after he made a crest bond with Battletaur because Ash wasn't willing to give up  thus got the name Anéndotos or Ash the unyielding, then Ash would hear a knock at the door and would open then greeting Artemis, Heimdall, Baldur, Signy, Sigmund, Aengus and Áine again, Ash catch with the six friends while they were eating the dinner Ash had cooked then Ash would ask his six friends that they didn't come just to catch up because he can tell something was bothering them to which they confirm saying that a resolution would be drafted which would declare Artemis, Heimdall, Baldur, Signy, Sigmund, Aengus and Áine as well as the friends he had made over the last eight years traitors to their respective region to which Ash would state no would be able to prove such a claim to which they answer accusation alone is enough to label them traitors which drastically shock Ash with him say why didn't you come to me sooner you knew that I would have helped which they do apologize for and then thank him because they knew they could count on his help then addressing him by his official which was ambassador, hear that would surprise his old friends and family then leading them to inquire to Ash tile which the six would realize that Ash didn't tell his old friends and family to which Ash states I didn't want his old friends and family treating him with more formality, Ash's six friends would explain that Ash is the first outsider to become an ambassador between the Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis in other words Ash is currently a diplomate which would shock all of Ash's old friends and family because they never would become a diplomate on top of that Ash had no knowledge that Rottom dex has been broadcasting to the other regions and hearing that Ash was a diplomate would shock all those watching the broadcast, after finishing dinner Artemis, Heimdall, Baldur, Signy, Sigmund, Aengus and Áine would leave to notify the others that Ash has their back and Ash would contact someone in each of the regional governments which he manages contact however the four people he was now talking to were four people he didn't like which was a understatement who are called Narcissus, Odilo, Donn and Óðr. Ash would inquire if that Artemis, Heimdall, Baldur, Signy, Sigmund, Aengus and Áine any all who were affiliated with them being labeled traitors to which the four answer they are traitors to which Ash states that he won't deny that they have some political disagreements with the government but nothing that would warrant treason  to which they four answer the resolution was already passed to which Ash demands that the resolution be dissolved explain that the people who are being label traitors are good friends which the four on screen warned Ash to if your association with the traitors is revealed he would also be labeled a traitor to which Ash would state that he could careless about his status what matters to him is the people he cares about then Ash would end the call then Roscoe one of Ash's aid would notify him that Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn were now on the line to which Ash would answer immediately because he has a lot to say to the four. Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn would greet a angry Ash who would demand why he wasn't told about the resolution to which the four explained they have been trying to stall the resolution as much as they can but only manage to keep it from being official but in politically circles it has yet to be resolve which would lead Ash to ask why this resolution was create to which the four explain the resolution was created by a politically faction that is trying to bring Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis back to more dark days then would explain to Ash that same faction have used their influence to make it so that Ash matches would be the last of every round to make sure that Ash was to busy with the tournament so he wouldn't be part of the vote involving the resolution, after hearing the reason behind the resolution Ash would state he will be there the next vote to which Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn said but you still have have to win the tournament to which Ash states angrily that he doesn't care about the tournament I am more then willing to throw the match if that means help my friends, hearing Ash statement his old friends and family as well as those watch the boardcast were dumbfounded because they never seeing the day Ash is willing to forfeit a match for anything,  Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn would then state they will try delay the vote on the resolution till tomorrow afternoon which was also the same day as the finals of the tournament which is 10 Am, Ash would thank the four for do what they can for his friends then after ending the call Ash would order Roscoe to find Ash's three other aid Cassandra, Aidan and Carla then have the four aids call all of Ash's contacts to investigate the people behind the resolution and to not over look anything, Ash would then state it's time I payed more attention to what is going on in Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis. Ash would meet up with Artemis, Heimdall, Baldur, Signy, Sigmund, Aengus and Áine again to notify them about his call with Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn which would anger his six friends after hearing that the people behind the resolution were deliberately make sure Ash would be the for the voting weather to pass the resolution, Ash would also become angry realizing that Narcissus, Odilo, Donn and Óðr were part of the politically faction try to destoy his friends good name and would now have a new resolve to win tomorrows match because he truly had something to lose. The name of Ash final opponent was Cesare, Cesare had a tainted reputation especially in regards to his fights, Cesare is well know for fighting dirty and how Cesare made it to the finals astonished everyone and now Ash had to fight him and losing was not an option. The two fighters would six pokemon with Ash using Battletaur, Vemonthropy, Vampiria, Theriumthropy, Draugserker and Gybuid while Cesare is pokemon Ash is familiar with but his focus was to win the match as fast as possible. As the final match begins Cesare would say to Ash hope you can endure the fight then suddenly Ash would appear in front of then stating endure this then would land a kick to Cesare's  abdomen which would send him flying, Ash's attack caught Cesare off guard but was unable to knock him out then Ash would use the crest bond of the six pokemon he is using in this fight, once his crest bond abilities were active Ash would fight aggressively which would make the audience wonder why Ash is fighting so aggressively to which his old friends and family would explain to people sitting beside them that this afternoon a resolution that would brand the friends he had made over the last eight years would be brand traitors to their regions which would shock the people in the audience but would realize why Ash is fighting so aggressively it's because for the first time Ash truly has something on the line. As the battle rages on Cesare would cut Ash with a dagger then everyone in the audience would notice something off about Ash which was the more Cesare cut Ash the slower and more dazed but Ash would keep fighting then manage to scratch one of Cesare arms which would lead to Cesare to attack him with from what some in the audience could tell had the intent to kill Ash but then suddenly Lorien would block the attack and knock Cesare to the ground, the audience would be shocked and would wonder what is going on then Cesare would arrogantly clam that because Lorien interfered in the match and sided with Ash that means Ash is disqualified then Lorien would state the one who is disqualified is you Cesare, the referee would land in the arena to inquire to what Lorien means which would lead Lorien to first wipe the blood of the dagger he grabbed after knocking Cesare to the ground then would lick it then spiting in disgust which confirmed that the dagger was coated with poison then giving Ash an antidote that would cure Ash, Rottom Dex would fly down to the arena ground to inquire about the poison blade to which Ash states all fight  explicitly forbidden from use any poison weapon of any kind in others words it's against the rules which means Cesare had cheated, hearing that Cesare cheat would shock Ash's old friends and family while sending the rest of the audience into an uproar then Lorien would ask to identify the poison on the dagger, after licking the poison dagger then spiting in disgust after identifying as noxious bane a poison that can kill humans and is an illegal substance, Ash would then realize what Cesare was planning which was to kill Ash which also meant that Cesare was going to break the ironclad taboo, the ironclad taboo was a law that no fighter were allowed to fight to the death and the penalty for killing a pokemon fighter would be the life of the  perpetrator including the perpetrators pokemon and any one who were associated with perpetrator then Ash would notice a mark on Cesare's arm which happened to be the one Ash had scratched then ask Lorien to hold the scratched arm, after looking at the mark on Cesare's arm both Ash and Lorien realize what the mark is was mark of the barbarians which meant Cesare is a barbarian, Rottem Dex would hover above broadcasting to all of Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis once the audience in the arena recognized the mark on Cesare's arm they would angrily shout one word or a statement that had the very same word which was traitor. Ash's old friends and family were curious about what is a barbarian to which the people sitting besides explain that barbarians are team savage sympathizers who try to give support to team savage however they can if it means completing their goals, then Ash would ask Lorien to contact Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn and tell them to ferret out any out any bureaucrats who were barbarians which is a theory Ash just came up with, as the  bureaucrats would gather for the final vote for the resolution but instead Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn would initiate a loyalty test which was to see if any of the bureaucrats were barbarians, the leaders would ask all in bureaucrats to remove their cloths till only their undergarments was left to see if any one had the mark of the barbarian which the four would be the first to remove the cloths showing there was no barbarian mark on their bodies then the bureaucrats against the resolution would remove their cloths only leaving their undergarments but when it came to those who were for the resolution refused to remove the cloths which lead to Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn would order the guards who also removed their cloths except their undergarments would forceable begin to remove the cloths of the other bureaucrats then finding the mark of the barbarian's on their one of their arms, legs, shoulders, wrists, chest, back and neck. After find the marks Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn order the guards to arrest the traitors then contact Ash to confirm the theory he had came up with. As the traitors were restrained Ash would then suggest a punishment that is fitting for the traitors which was to use the crest breaker which shock everyone except his old friends and family who would ask what is the crest break to which the people sitting beside them explain the crest breaker was a tool that had the ability to sever the bond between a human and their pokemon and would make it so that human that had their bond severed would never be able to make another bond for the rest of their lives, hearing that Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis had some that can sever the bond between a human pokemon horrified Ash's old friends, his family and all the people watching the broadcast from the other regions then learning the crest breaker is not very popular and would only use it if someone deserve it which Ash state that traitors to their region count to which Lorien would say that normal we would not use that terrible tool but in this case I believe we can make an exception for these traitor thus is a fitting punishment then Cesare would pull out another poison dagger with the attempt to kill Ash and Lorien then Ash's Jormundracirius appear then pinning Cesare to the ground while pressing his claws into Cesare's chest, Ash would order Jormundracirius to stand down then two guard would arrive to to arena ground to arrest Cesare then he what demand Lorien to explain how can you do this Lorien to side with outsider to which Lorien states that Ash many have the blood of our people but he has the heart and soul of our people not like your kind will ever understand Cesare then would order the guard to get Cesare out of his site. Ash would apologize for cause such a mess for Lorien's people to which he says there is no need to apologize because this has been a problem that has been festering for many years now thanks to Ash they have dealt a critical blow to team savage, Lorien would then leave the arena but before he walkout the arena he would whisper in Ash's ear say I hope your not like the others, after Lorien left the arena Ash would turn his attention to Jormundracirius then we will talk later and saying that he never thought the day would come where he would scold one of his pokemon, as Ash began to leave the arena Ash would be grabbed Jormundracirius hover six feet above the ground then shocking Ash, his old friends, family and all of the people watching the broadcast which was  Jormundracirius saying you want to talk then lets talk. Ash would have shocked and silent look for minutes then Battletaur would pummel Jormundracirius and call him an idiot for brashly speaking to Ash while having it being broadcasted then Draugserker would say nice going blockhead which would make Battletaur realize that he opened his big mouth to which the rest of Ash's pokemon would acknowledged Battletaur's realization. Ash now snapped back to reality and would ask Rottom Dex if he heard what the Pokemon he had a bond with just said to which he says yes I just heard them talk verbally. Battletaur, Jormundracirius, Draugserker, Vemonthropy, Vampiria, Theriumthropy, Gybuid, Viricore and Griffipress would state what they heard, Ash would then ask how long could they talk to which Viricore explain they have always been able to talk which would shock not only Ash but his old friends, family and everyone watching the broadcast from the other regions, Ash would then ask how are they able to speak to which Griffipress at first a long time ago all pokemon couldn't communicate with humans but as they began to interact with humans more and more they were able to understand their language and eventually the began to speak the human language. Ash would then comment that he is going to start fresh with the pokemon he has bond with and fully get to know them then Battletaur would state that Battletaur, Jormundracirius, Draugserker, Vemonthropy, Vampiria, Theriumthropy, Gybuid, Viricore and Griffipress have their own individual names which surprised Ash, his old friends, family and the people of the other regions who were watching the broadcast, Ash would then ask the pokemon he was bonded with their names Battletaur would start by same his name is charger, Griffipress says her name is ray,  Viricore name is stinger, Vemonthropy name is fang, Vampiria name is Flora, Gybuid name is  pierce,  Draugserker name is Axel, Theriumthropy name is called huntress and  Jormundracirius states his name is Talon. The night after Ash win in the finals everyone party, during the party Ash's old friends and family would notice that Ash seems to have something on his mind and Serena would be the one to ask Ash is everything alright to which Ash answers that what Lorien said to him would make him ponder what Lorien meant I hope your not like the others, Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn would approach Ash and would explain what Lorien comment meant. Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn would begin to explain that Lorien's father was the champion before the previous champion, hear that one of the past champions of Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis was Lorien's father would shock Ash, his old friends, his family and everyone from the other regions who were still watching the broadcast. Ash would ask Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn to explain more about the past champion's to which the four explain that majority of past champions were from Lorien's family which would surprise Ash, his old friends, his family and everyone from the other regions who were still watching the broadcast, Ash would then ask who was the previous but a theory of whom it might be then Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn would answer and confirm that the previous champion was Lorien's older brother Aragon who was consider the strongest champion since the first champion of Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis. Hearing that Lorien's brother was the previous champion was a surprise for Ash, his old friends, his family and everyone from the other regions who were still watching the broadcast then they would ask where is Aragon these day's but then the expression of the four's faces would change to sad one then Ash would realize that Aragon was dead. Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn would be slightly surprised that Ash was able to learn about Aragon's death, Ash would then ask how do Argon die to which Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn would explain sixteen years Lorien manage win his way through the four gate and four pillar tournaments even defeating the four pillars and was ready to fight Aragon who has wanted to fight for a long time, while Lorien looked up to Aragon while having a rivalry, Lorien had a lot to prove coming from a family whom have produced some of the strongest champions in history but the day of the two brothers match would never come. The day of the two brothers match team savage would attack which Aragon would manage to drive away however it would come at a cost which would be Aragon's life, Lorien would witness the death of his brother and hasn't full recovered from, it's then Ash realizes that Lorien has imposter syndrome believing that he is not worth of being champion since never got the fight he dreamed, hearing that a champion of Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis feels he not worth of being champion would shock Ash's old friends, family and the people still watching the broadcast, Leonidas would then state Lorien wasn't the only one who lost some dear to them, Leonidas lost his older brother Cleomenes, Brunhilde lost her younger sister Eir, Danu lost her twin brother Lugh and Björn lost two of his younger brothers. Ash would then realize what they meant when Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn mention that I recent years fewer participants entered the four gate and four pillar tournaments it start after Aragon death while Aragon did his best to keep moral intact for the fighters and his death was the fatal blow for all fighters but that change when Ash began his training it reignited something inside their hearts. Professor Kukui would state that Ash has change but for the better especially putting people before battles to which Ash states over the last eight years people and battle were both valued equally then saying he was he was never going lose any one he cares about again, Ash old friends and family were impressed with how much Ash has changed in the last eight years but then Ash' mother would realize Ash said never lose any one he cares about again which makes his old friends and everyone watching the broadcast curious what Ash meant again to which he begins to tell the story about how he got the scar on the left side of his face which he had got a year ago. Ash had completed his training in Midgardis and bonded with Draugserker and Jormundracirius while Ash had just made ambassador. Ash would one day walkabout the city he was currently in greet everyone he can across Erik who was one of the friends he had made a year after arriving in Midgardis, Erik along with his bonded partner Theriumthropy which shocked Ash's old friends, family and everyone from the other regions watching broadcast were shock to learn that Theriumthropy was bonded to someone else but they would learn how Theriumthropy became bonded to Ash. Erik was student of Björn but would struggle with his training, Ash would talk with Erik to see if he was doing alright to which Erik was in a frustrated state because he couldn't seen to get the engraving right but Ash would try to gently encourage Erik but frustrated Erik would shout out nothing I will do he will never be able to become a rune maker then Ash got an idea that could help Erik. Ash would talk to Erik while he is reading a book on element runes then would ask Erik is their a way to create new runes to which Erik has a curious look on his face which then gives Erik idea to create new runes by combining existing runes. Ash and Erik would spend the next two days trying to create new runes and on the third day the two would succeed in creating new runes, Ash would come up with some idea of what elemental runes such fire and earth runes, water/ice and air/lighting runes, healing and water runes, fire and metal runes, earth and water runes, ice and lighting runes. After creating the batch of new runes Ash and Erik would show the new creation to Björn and his other students and would be amazed with the new runes. Björn and his students congratulated them both for creating the new way of rune making then Ash states it was Erik who came up with the idea for combining different runes thus Ash is willing to have Erik take all the credit for the creation of the new runes because Ash states he already has enough achievements and also states Erik needs this achievement. Over the next next three weeks Ash would hear how Erik has been busy engraving the new runes he and Ash came up with while teaching others people how to combine runes, as Ash was having lunch he would hear a group at another table talking about Erik and how he is push himself hard hardly eating anything, barely getting any sleep which would surprise Ash and would then go up to the group to ask more about what is going with Erik which at first the group were surprised to find the ambassador before them, the group would explain that Erik has been overworking himself almost to a point of getting sick, after hearing about what is going on with Erik would surprise Ash making he wonder why Erik was overworking himself. Ash would then go to check up on his friend and would check on Erik and would find his friend in an almost sick like state. Ash would talk with Erik asking why he is working so hard to which Erik answers that he is running out of time which make Ash ask what does he mean but before Erik could tell him they would be suddenly attacked by team savage who were trying to steal Erik work if not force him to work for them but Erik refused and both Erik and Ash would fight off even capture them which is how Ash got the scar on the left eye then suddenly a member of team savage pull out a dagger in an attempt to kill Ash but Erik would take the attack which would have the dagger pierce his heart then Theriumthropy would pin that very same member while having the look of someone going in for the kill but would only knock him out. Björn and his students would arrive to lend aid only find the team savage subdued and capture then see Erik in Ash arms dying. As Erik lied dying in Ash's arms he would Ash ask why did he take the blow for him to which Erik answered saying he was already dying which would horrify Ash which Björn would explain that Erik had the rune curse which what happens someone fails to carve rune into gear without proper save precautions and if one doesn't get medical care it would slowly kill them and from what Ash saw Björn and his students didn't know that Erik had the rune curse then Erik would state thanks to Ash he had final achieved something that worthwhile and would ask Ash to take care of Theriumthropy for him to which Ash promises with Erik thanking him as he passes away. Later that same day Ash would lie Erik's body to rest and then would vow on Erik's grave that he would never again let any one he cares die even making a blood oath. After hearing the story Ash's old friends, family and everyone still watching from the broadcast from the other regions would now understand and sympathize with Ash. 

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