𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 2- 𝓑𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓹𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓮

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"Hey you guys!" Brianna said waving as her high heeled shoes clinked down Chuck's drive way they all waved back with smiles. Brianna didn't see Warren behind his drum set but she did see the one and only Billy Dunne standing in the corner of Chuck's garage.

"Where's Warren?" Brianna asked "he's using the bathroom." Graham answered back, Brianna just nodded. The truth was Brianna was excited to see Warren that day, it was your classic love story a thirteen year old girl had a crush on her best friend. Warren had just walked into the garage, "hey" Brianna said smiling "oh uh hey Bee" Warren said flatly. He didn't greet her with a hug like he normally did and he didn't even look her in the eyes that entire day of practice,  it broke her heart honesty.


Graham Dunne: Warren told us the whole story as soon as he got back from Bee's place.

Eddie Roundtree: We um told him to act like everything was normal and like they hadn't kissed at all, we thought we knew Bee well enough that she wouldn't wanna ruin their friendship over that kiss. Yeah it was an ass hole move but in our defense we were fourteen year old boys.

Brianna Rojas: I was heartbroken I think I went home and cried for like three straight hours haha!

Warren Rojas: I felt like such a dick.


Brianna was sitting in a chair in the corner of the garage smoking a cigarette with a sour look on her face. She was lost in her own thought her mind racing with thoughts like 'does he not like me' or 'am I a bad kisser' or 'does he still wanna be my friend'. Brianna was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the off beat music stop playing she only caught the tail end of what Billy had said to Warren "easy on those fills this isn't jazz." Brianna laughed, everyone looked at her she just smiled and took a puff of her cigarette. "Aren't you thirteen?" Billy asked Brianna "yeah?" Brianna scoffed "why are you smoking?" Billy asked "Because I can?" Brianna said still a little pissed off about the Warren thing and not in the mood for games, "you shouldn't smoke so young it's bad for you." Billy said putting his hand on his hip, Brianna just scoffed and sarcastically said "okay I'll keep that in mind thanks dad." Billy just rolled his eyes


Billy Dunne: she really used to piss me off.

Brianna Rojas: that was the day Billy and I became wonderful frienemies... and y'know he kinda had to get along with me when we grew up since Camila made me the God mother of yo- their child!


It was getting to be evening time, by this point Graham asked Billy to 'show them how it's done'. Billy had taken over the entire practice and just as fast as it started it was over. Brianna noticed the Summer sky start to turn pink "I have to head out boys I'll see y'all soon!" she said as she got up and flattened her dress with her hands "bye Bee." Chuck said putting his base back in the case "Next practice is in two days Bee. See ya there?" Graham asked Brianna shot him a thumbs up in response "later Bee!" Eddie yelled from the inside of the freezer in the corner of Chuck's garage "I'll see you around Bee" Billy said with a tight lipped smile. She waited for a second to see if Warren was gonna at least wave... He didn't. Brianna scoffed and stormed out of Chuck's garage

Brianna was half way down the drive way when she heard feet running up behind her sure enough it was Warren, "hey!" he said grabbing her arm to stop her she quickly pulled it away "what Warren?" she asked becoming more annoyed by the second "lemme walk you home." he said with a look of sympathy in his eyes "no." Brianna said with a smile on her face "Bee it's getting dark outside you can't walk home alone." he said in a matter of fact kind of tone "I'll manage." she said with her annoyance showing, Warren had a look of complete desperation in his eyes "Bee... Please?" Warren asked, Brianna rolled her eyes "Fine." was all the girl said before walking quickly in front of him.

The two made it to Brianna's front door "can I talk to you?" Warren asked "I guess so." Brianna said bitterly and the pair made their way to her porch swing "I think we should stay best friends Warren I mean clearly you regret kissing me and I'm only thirteen." she said fast and winced after wards "no yeah, Bee I mean you're totally right we're young and we wouldn't want to um ruin our friend ship." Warren said with a false smile on his face "good I'm glad we agree!" Brianna said pulling Warren into a hug "I love you Warren." Brianna said still holding onto the boy's waist "I love you too Brianna." he said with his chin atop her head. "Good night!" Brianna said closing her front door Warren sighed sadly and walked back to Chuck's house.


Warren Rojas: I didn't agree with her that day I wanted to be with her no matter how young we were.

Brianna Rojas: I didn't really want to just be friends that day but I really had thought he regretted kissing me and I was upset but I didn't wanna loose my best friend. I know I was only thirteen but I truly think that was the age I fell in love with Warren.

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