xviii. nsfw ! skip if minor

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The next few days went on a roll for Mayumi

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The next few days went on a roll for Mayumi. Aside from her shop, most of her time was spent with Satoru. Yes, he wasn't her boyfriend. They were most definitely not in a relationship. But she figured out that being in a relationship was not so important for her at the moment. For now, she just wanted to be selfish and enjoy whatever he could offer her.

Of course, keeping it a secret from Megumi. She didn't have to think much to know how the said boy would react. He would probably think that his teacher is manipulating her or something.

Face palm moment.

She hummed a melody as she closed the shop, eager to see Satoru again. Were they fuck buddies? Or friends with benefits? She had no idea. But the thought of seeing him sent a frenzy of butterflies in her belly. The feeling had only intensified after he took her virginity a few days ago. She was utterly addicted now.

Speaking of addicted, she was sitting in between his legs, her eyes glazed at his hardened cock, her hands struggling to get a hold at it. His eyes were fixed on hers, her cheeks flushed. "I am afraid I will do it all wrong!"

"Trust me," His voice was strained before he let out a moan as she stroked it, "fuck. You are perfect."

Hearing his moans delighted her. For once, it felt like she had some sort of control over the strongest sorcerer. Heck, it made her feel so powerful. She doubled her efforts in stroking his cock, making up her inexperience with her eagerness.

"Your hands will ache, Mayumi," He grinned, "it takes me a lot of time to unwind."

"We'll see, Satoru," she mumbled under her breath, stroking it enthusiastically, before tentatively taking it in her mouth, bringing a quickened moan from him.

"Fuck, Mayu!" He closed his eyes, gritting his teeth as the heat of her mouth around his cock brought him to an ecstasy and before he could stop himself or react, he spilled his seeds inside her mouth, causing a sharp intake from her.

"Oh God!" His eyes widened as she saw her eyes wide like a deer caught on headlights before she swallowed it down. "I ... I am so sorry. I did not mean to come in your mouth!"

"It's okay," Mayumi smiled shyly, her own cheeks flushed and sweaty from taking him in her mouth, eyes watery, "it didn't taste bad."

"Still," he groaned, laying limp on the couch, "it was awful of me."

"I think," she smiled as she wiped her mouth with a hanky and sat down next to him, "I am more curious about the fact that you came so easily since you were too sure of yourself."

He scoffed but she could see the light tint of pink on his cheeks as he pulled his trousers up, "I might have lost my control."


Because the feel of your hot mouth on my cock was ethereal, silly girl. "Because I hadn't gotten a blowjob in ages."

"I see," she sighed but there was still a grin on her face before she yawned and leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder. "Blowing you off is exhausting."

He laughed, wrapping an arm around her, "Well, well, you deserve a nice reward then."

a/n : this is SO awkward, i will sob. as a girl who has absolutely zero experience, pls bear with me? i tried to make it as realistic as my poor imagination could lead but if it's still cringe, then im really sorry 😭 + i had to make satoru a simp i love simp men

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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