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Have you ever been in a phase in you're life where it's like neither anyone relates to you nor do they listen...? You're in a weird type of loneliness where you're not alone and still there's no one that you can talk to is going to relate to you. You have made peace with the fact that everyone wants to only talk about themselves, how they feel, what they did and they don't really care how you doing. They don't and it's fine with you. Even you don't bother about it anymore. They just want a listener and a validator to their actions. You have seen more than enough very close people do it, so you just stop talking, stop telling how you feel because internally you know they wouldn't know how to react or make you feel better. Why to get in such situations, better don't discuss. You just stay by yourself and cut everyone out. But how long can you go without expressing yourself?

How do you cope with it?

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