A Fresh Start

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"What do you mean you're leaving?" Queen Barb says as I pack my duffel bag with rock band patches.

"I just need a beat change y'know man? Switch it up a bit, there has to be more than just sick rock 'n roll." I say as I finish packing and go to the mirror to put on my eyeliner and tease my hair. We had a sleepover last night and I had been planning to move away, I decided to finally tell my best friend and the queen of rock Barb after we woke up.

"When are you leaving?" Barb asks solemnly. "In a few days after I finish selling my stuff and packing." I explain turning to face her to see her staring at me with a worried expression. "I'll be back Barb, I promise." I say pulling her into a hug. "I'm gonna miss your music man." She says hugging tighter. "I'mma miss yours too bro." I tell her while hugging her just as tight.

She finally released me from the hug and helped me pack up everything. She also said I can take one of her beetle bikes for the road. That is probably gonna make travel a lot easier since I'm stopping at every troll territory on the map starting with country. Barbara and Carol helped me mark some pitstops and routes to each town. And soon I was on my way.


While at Lonesome Flats I met the Queen of Country Delta Dawn. She taught me about folk and country music and how sad it can be but it's used to cope with the stresses of life and death. It really touched my heart and was very different from the angry tunes of hard rock. Folk music really stood out to me and I tried my best to incorporate in my style by getting a classic guitar to match my electric one.

After half a week in lonesome flats I went to Symphonyville and learned the delicate nature of the flute. It also taught me music theory and how to conduct a band! It was very informative and perfect compared to imperfect music like rock or the cracks of country. Then I went to Vibe City and got into hip hop and then went to Techno Reef and learned how to DJ.


My next destination was Pop Village but first I had to make a pit stop so I settled down about a few miles from the village. I put up my tent and went to gather some berries for dinner. Unfortunately I tripped and fell in a really deep hole and I was unable to get out, at least not without help.

"Hello!? Anyone out there!" I called out after a while of trying to climb my way out. There were no branches for me to grab so I resorted to yelling for help.

I heard some footsteps and a blue troll with dark hair looked down in the hole at me. "Who are you?" He asked sternly. "Who cares? I'm stuck, now help me out." I say impatiently.

"Now wait a second I can't let you out unti-"

"Branch! Who ya talking too?" A high pitched voice calls out. She comes over and stands next to the other troll. She is light pink with magenta hair and a crown. "That's what I'm trying to figure out." He says. She looks down at my dirt covered self. "Oh my! Are you ok?" She says grabbing me with her hair freeing me from the hole.

"Well now I'm just peachy thanks to you." I say and introduce myself.

"That's a pretty name! I'm Queen Poppy, nice to meet you! Oh and this is my boyfriend Branch." She says as she shakes my hand vigorously.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, Poppy, we should get back to the village." Branch says walking away.

"Wait, can I get my stuff and go with you guys? I need a place to stay for the night." I ask.

"Of course! Unfortunately we don't have any extra pods right now but until we build you one Branch's brother has an armadillo bus you can happily sleep in!" Poppy exclaims.

I accept her offer knowing I don't have much other choices. I gather my duffel bag and follow the queen and her lover to the village. After talking some more I learned the hole I fell in was one of Branch's old traps next to his bunker. I suppose that makes sense, he seems like a survivalist type. We stopped at Branch's bunker to ask his brother for permission to use his bus. The elevator ride down was long but informative with Poppy talking the whole time.

When we reached the bottom we were greeted by a red haired emo troll. "Hey Branch, Poppy, welcome back, who's this?" He asked looking at me. Poppy introduced me as the new troll from Volcanic Rock City. We walked farther in and I met Floyd, the one who met us, Clay, the green Einstein haired one, and finally John Dory the one with ski goggles. He was the one with the bus, he seemed really confident before he saw me but after he looked at me his blue skin turned slightly pink and started stuttering.

"So JD, our friend here needs a place to stay and since you're sleeping in Branch's bunker we were wondering if she could use Rhonda for a bit until we have a pod ready for her." Poppy asked cautiously.

"Y-yeah sure no problem." He says quickly.

There is a moment of silence until Poppy speaks up.

"Can you show her to the room?" Poppy asks

"Oh uhhh yeah follow me." John Dory says muttering and walking towards the bunker elevator, I follow close behind.

The walk is silent apart from the occasional question I ask. I learned he is the oldest brother being in his mid 30s. I told him I was 24, only two years younger than Branch. This seemed to make him slightly uncomfortable and he didn't quite talk until we got to Rhonda.

"So this is Rhonda, ain't she a beaut?" He says suddenly getting his lost confidence back.

"She's lovely." I say as Rhonda licks me and her glitter slobber coats my face.

"Don't worry licking means she likes you... Or she's marking you as prey. You can never quite tell with Rhonda." JD says as he opens the door and lets me in first like a gentleman.

"She's nice on the inside." I say complimenting his bus. "Thanks, she's a real piece of work" he says with his hands on his hips and classic smile. He leads me to a small couch and plops himself down. "You can sleep here." He says. "Want a drink or anything?" He offers. "Sure" I say and he gives me a metal cup full of an orange drink. "Hope you like peach nectar cause it's all I have." He laughs. "Perfect thank you" I say taking a drink.

We began talking and we got along really well. We talked about music and eventually boy bands. "Yeah I was the lead singer back in the day." He brags. "Lead singer of what?" I ask confused.

"Of my band BroZone! Have you...never heard of them?" He asks. "No sorry, I grew up in VRC. Plus I think that band was before my time" I say. He looks away and then looks back at me thinking. Finally he says "Me and the band are getting back together at Vacation Island! You should come with us. Then you'll get to see how we really Bro!"

"Would everyone be ok with a stranger coming along? I wouldn't want to intrude." I say cautiously.

"You? Intrude? Never, we've talked long enough to be friends so what do you say? Everyone is bringing someone except Floyd. You can be my plus one!" He explains.

"Well if you insist." I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"Ok perfect! We'll be leaving the day after tomorrow and we'll be taking Rhonda so make sure to keep it clean here!" He says while setting his drink down and beginning to walk out. "I'll see you tomorrow!" He exclaims

"Kay see you Johnnie" I say waving, he blushes at the nickname.


Branch and his brothers are talking in the bunker and John Dory comes out of the elevator humming. "Hey you guys don't mind if that new alternative troll comes along to vacay island?" JD asks. The boys look at each other and laugh. "What's so funny?" He asks crossing his arms. "You got it bad don't you, and you just met today." Clay instigates. "I-I do not!" JD claims blushing.

Floyd speaks up "It's ok John, everyone finds someone they think about like that, for you it just so happened to be an unexpected troll."

"Tsk whatever I'm going to bed." JD says leaving to go to his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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