Prompt: Dark Room/Supernatural

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The darkness was engulfing me, seeming to dance to torment me.

Why me? Why did this happen to me? Why is the world such a cruel place filled with hate towards my kin?

No, shaking my head I stood up, stumbling as my legs had fallen asleep. I can't cry, I can't show my weakness to 'them'.

Stumbling as I walked around to wake up my legs I saw light shine from the direction of the door. Quickly heading over to the door as a silhouette pushed a smaller silhouette into the room. Catching the smaller silhouette I glared as the door shut.

"You alright?" I ask quietly. Feeling them nod I let go of them and sit down next to them.

"W-w-who are you?" The young one whispers quietly. I could tell they were still shaking as I got up. I lifted my wings slightly making sure not to startle the smaller one.

"I don't know my name, nor do I know how I was brought here. All I know is this is where I've been most of my life," I ventured calmly and then after a brief moment of silence I added, "What is your name?"

"Moonlight..." they responded quietly. I nod as I listen to them breathing. "Why is the room so dark?" they ask suddenly.

"... Because of my eyes," I responded a tiny bit louder so that the guard at the door would leave. The guard laughed as he left. Through the darkness I could see them cock their head to the side in confusion?

"Why were you put here?" I ask quietly, not expecting a response.

"I yelled at a guard and punched the person who captured me."

My eyes widened with surprise, no one but me had the courage to do that. As long as I had been there everyone was quiet and respectful to the 'doctors' there.


The creature in the dark walked around for a bit then sat down.

"Would you like a name?" I ask, they jump and turn around staring at me in shock. Like they were when I said that I punched the person who caught me.

Nodding slowly they turn back around to face the opposite way again. I sit in silence waiting for an answer. A few long moments later they respond.

"Sure, I don't see why not."

Smiling, I started to think of names, they didn't seem to be female. So no feminine names. I didn't realize that I was staring at them well thinking of a name.

"So, when are you gonna stop staring?" they ask, startling me. I look away a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, I was just thinking of names for you..." I say then look at them again, "these are the names I thought of Derick, Jonathan, Christian, Gabriel, Miguel, Michael, Matheus, Luan, Scott, Esther/Ester, Peter Raylander."

"Wow, that's a lot of names..."


"Hmm I have to say I like the names Esther/Ester and Luan the best."

"Why?" I ask cocking my head to the side.

Their head went down facing the floor. "They just resonate with me..."

"Well out of those two I say the one that suits you the most is Luan."


"Well the name Luan in Portuguese means 'Moon', In Irish it means 'Warrior', in Albanian it

means 'Lion', and in Chinese it can mean Bird or Bell-usually being a surname."

"Hmm that's interesting..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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