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Splattering crystal drops razed off the slick skin of your nose. They slipped down the cold warmth of your face, trailing rivulets of icy liquid that coated you in a shivering embrace. The soft sting of the droplets found their way into the raw, open cut on your cheek, the gash pulsing red and raw.

Why, you asked yourself.

Cranking your neck up to the dark, heavy sky, you let the rain cascade over your face, drenching you further, merging with the tears you couldn't quite feel anymore. The rain was relentless, each drop a question, each gust of wind a whisper you couldn't quite grasp.


A cold shiver ran up your spine, not just from the numbing chill, but from something deeper, something you couldn't name. Your hand clenched around the sticky handle of your wakizashi, feeling the slippery red ooze between your fingers. It felt like time itself had bled away, leaving you standing in this moment of wet confusion.

Shifting your (E/C) eyes down to the source of all this crimson, you saw the body lying there, silent and still, a mute testament to your actions. The red pool spread, mingling with the rain, diluting yet staining, a permanent reminder of what had transpired.

Why were you having second thoughts?

Your gaze slowly shifted further, past the lifeless form, and locked onto a pair of eyes that shimmered with a spectrum of colors, impossibly bright against the somber backdrop. They were rainbow eyes, reflecting every shade of human emotion, and they stared back at you with confused intensity.

He asked the same question you wished to know the answer to.


The word echoed through the rain, through the night, through the very core of your being, leaving you standing there, drenched and uncertain, with nothing but questions and a hollow, echoing silence.

The rain continued its relentless assault, each drop a pinprick of cold against your skin, as if the sky itself was weeping for the scene below. You stood there, your breath visible in the frigid air, mingling with the mist that swirled around you.

The figure with the rainbow eyes remained unmoving, but shook, an enigmatic presence that seemed to make you question your very existence. You felt his gaze penetrate deep into your soul, trying to uncover secrets you had long buried, and yet, no answers surfaced.

Why did he have to see?

The wakizashi felt heavier in your hand, the weight of it pulling you down, grounding you in this surreal reality. Your grip tightened involuntarily, as if holding on to the weapon was the only thing anchoring you to the moment. The rain, the blood, the eyes--all of it blurred together in a haze of confusion.

His rainbow eyes blinked slowly, deliberately, as if waiting for you to make a move, to answer the unspoken question hanging in the air. The silence between you was thick, almost suffocating, yet charged with a strange energy that made your heart race.

You felt a shift in the atmosphere, a subtle change that hinted at something momentous, something on the brink of happening.

The answer was close, tantalizingly within reach, yet elusively distant. As you stood there, soaked and shivering, you knew that whatever came next would forever alter the course of your life.

But what would it be?

❝It's my job.❞

The words slipped from your lips, barely audible over the soft patter of rain. Your gaze drifted from the man with rainbow eyes, down to the puddles where water mingled with blood, creating a morbid palette of colors.

This was it, you thought.

You were done. The mission was complete. You could go home now. But the idea of leaving him, of walking away from those eyes that seemed to understand everything and nothing at once, made something inside you rebel.

A sense of refusal stirred, whispering that perhaps this wasn't the end of you two.

What you thought . . . Could have been someone who . . . You could stay with.

The thought was fleeting, a wisp of smoke dissolving into the air. You turned slowly, your muscles aching, the soreness in your heel a sharp reminder of the night's events.

You looked back one last time, at the saddened eyes still watching you, and then shifted your gaze to the ground littered with bodies, each one a testament to the violence that had unfolded.

Taking slow, deliberate steps, you walked over what you had caused, each footfall a heavy reminder of your actions. The rain seemed to cleanse the earth, but it couldn't wash away the memories, the weight of what you had done in front of him.

As you moved further away, the sight of yourself receded from his view, like a ghost disappearing into the mist.

The world around you felt muted, the edges blurred, and the questions that had no answers lingered in the air, following you like shadows.

What layed ahead was uncertain, the path shrouded in ambiguity. The sense of completion mingled with an unshakable feeling of loss of unfinished business.

Would the questions ever find their answers, or would they continue to haunt you, an ever-present echo in the silence of your thoughts?

You walked on, leaving behind the scene of red and rain, stepping into a future as murky and unpredictable as the storm that had just passed.

You walked on, leaving behind the scene of red and rain, stepping into a future as murky and unpredictable as the storm that had just passed

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