Welcome To The Library!

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Silver was falling. She didn't know for how long or how far she had fallen, but she was. Her bow and her arrows had fallen away, leaving her with an empty quiver. The wind blew past her ears, leaving this terrifying "woosh" sound. She screamed- at least at the beginning. She was so close to saving the princess and being hailed as a hero but now, she was plummeting to her death. Her cloak that she held so dear to her heart had almost flown away with her weapons but she had grabbed onto it and held on as if her life depended on it. Her family, her friends, the random strangers that helped her on the journey, Sweetheart, her dear companion. It would all go to waste. She closed her eyes waiting for the inevitable collision that would break her body and send her spirit to whatever was above, and...


    Silver groaned. Her back and her lungs and her head and her legs and for the Sun and the Moon's sake, EVERYTHING HURT! Her head throbbed painfully but her brain slowly realized something. She was alive. How?!

"Are you okay? That was quite a fall."

    Silver looked up to see a man with brown, spiky hair with a green, soft-looking woolen vest with a white collared shirt underneath it. He wore a red tie and golden cuffs. He reminded Silver of the librarian at the library of her old town. The strange man looked at her with worry. "Did you hear me?" He asked.

    "Where am I?" Silver groaned. When she had looked around the room, all she saw were bookshelves and desks and more bookshelves and more desks and-

    The strange man interrupted her spirling thoughts. "You're in The Library." He said, waving his hand around nonchalantly. "I'm The Receptionist. You should get off the floor, it's dirty."

     Silver hesitantly got off the floor. She stood face-to-face with the Receptionist. When she looked around, she saw ambient lighting everywhere. The smell of incense mixed with the smell of books and it almost felt...calming. However, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Perhaps it was the yellow lights or the sheer largeness of this "Library." Maybe it was the fact that the incense smelled a bit too strong like it was masking something. Maybe it was just in her head. The sound of the Receptionist clearing his throat surprised her.

    "Where... no. The WHAT?" She asked, panicked. The idea that had just fallen into this mysterious place with possibly no exit, stuck here with just a receptionist and no weapons had just sunken into her mind, "What- what do you mean 'The Library?' How- Don't just shrug at me! Answer the question!"

"Calm down, miss." said a voice. It came from behind Silver.

She whipped her head around. There was a lady. She had long blue hair with a hat that had a flower sticking out of it. She wore a blue capelet, like the ones Silver's mother would use. She looked elegant, with her half-rim glasses and dainty blue outfit. "You are in The Library. Do not worry. You will be fine."

Her voice seemed to hypnotize Silver. She looked trustworthy, Silver assumed. The understanding in her voice lured her in.

"I understand you may be tired. Here," She held out her hand, and two odd white beings popped out of the air. One had a flower growing out of the top of its head, the other a leaf. "They will guide you to your room. You can rest there." The little things fell out of her hand. The flower one landed gracefully, the other...not so much.

After the things brought her to the room, she marveled at the sight of it. It was reminiscent of her room back at home, with her mother and her brother living there with her. The bed looked comfy, and there was a change of clothes and water on a desk. She took it gratefully and went to bed.

The next day, she opened the door, and the lady and someone else were there. She looked confident, with star sunglasses and long, very curly, and soft-looking hair. She flashed a bright style, like the famous actors and bards in the cities. When the girl lifted her sunglasses, bright gold eyes were staring at her. "Hey! The name's Charlotte. It's like, such a pleasure to meet ya!" Charlotte introduced herself, winking at Silver.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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