Chapter 15

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Sijoon slowly open her eyes. She makes her vision clear & look around. She is now in a creepy room that is full of blood. She is chained on the chair .She feels goosebumps all over her body.

She feels goosebumps all over her body

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Sijoon: HELP ME PLZ!!!!

She screams for help but no one response .

She just remembered that she was washing dishes in the kitchen then someone hit her head & she lost consciousness.

Suddenly she heard a door open sound .She looks up & her eyes widen bcz Jeon Brothers are standing in front of her with angry face .She gulp.

Sijoon: kings why im here ?*scared *

Jk : So you dont know why you are here darling .*smirk*

Soojin shook her head as no .

Jungkook : Oh darling you really thought that you would never get to know who put poison in our Angel's drink .*smirk*

Sijoon is now sweating bcz of fear .

Gguk : Why you did do this ?*deep voice*

Sijoon : Why ? bcz i love you all . You guys never look at me when i try my best to gain yours attentions but you all .......Why did you guys marry her? She is nothing in front of me ,im more beautiful then her .She snatched you all from me & thats why i mixed poison in her food to kill her .Look now she is gone so just forget about her , i can give you more pleasure then her -

All Jeon brothers laugh evilly.

Jungkook : You really thought that she is dead .....tsk tsk.....She is still alive ,your poison cant even harm her bcz of her power .*deep voice*

Sijoon : What ? is it possible?

Jk : Its possible bcz she is not a human .*smirk*

Sijoon: What ?

Gguk : like us .*smirk*

Then their eyes start shining red .

Then their eyes start shining red

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Sijoon : who are ?

Jeons : Werewolves .

With that they smirk .

Jk : You are really proud of your beauty right ? then let's ruin your beauty .*smirk*

Sijoon : leave me ....*cry*

Gguk : She is annoying.

With that, he throws acid on her face & she screams her lung out .

Her face is burning but she can't do anything bcz she is chained.

Jeons : If you mess with us it's ok but if you mess with our Queen then you are dead .*deep voice*

With that they left their torture room while she was screaming,crying .They left her to die there .

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