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The next day, Neteyam was woken up by his maid. Since he was wandering all night, he was extremely tired and couldn't stop yawning.
"Prince, when you're dressed, breakfast awaits you in the great hall. The king and Queen will join as well. I put out some traditional Metkayinan clothes for you. After breakfast you will be lead to the training grounds with Prince Ao'nung.", the maid explained as she was helping Neteyam with his cleaning bowl. She had filled it up with water and some lotion. Prince Ao'nung....When Neteyam heard his name, his stomach turned around and he instantly remembered last night. Somehow, him saying 'little Prince' to Neteyam made him wanna get to know Ao'nung even more.
"Thank you.", he said and quickly got dressed. For some reason, he couldn't wait for breakfast.

"Good morning brother.", Lo'ak greeted him on the corridor outside his room. "Good morning. Ready for breakfast?", Neteyam asked and Lo'ak nodded. "Tuktirey already went downstairs with Tsireya. She inked her up earlier.", Lo'ak said with a bright smile on his face. As they began walking downstairs, Neteyam couldn't resist asking his younger brother about the girl he seemed to like and elbowed him.
"You really like Tsireya, don't you?", he asked and Lo'ak looked away. "I shouldn't... Maybe you'll get to marry her but I'll never be king and get someone like her...", he admitted rather sadly.
Neteyam stopped for a second and whispered into Lo'ak's ear. "I don't wanna marry her. And she doesn't want to marry me either.....you can have her if you want.", Neteyam smiled and Lo'ak's eyes glistened up.
Before he could say anything, Neteyam dragged him down the stairs so they could have some breakfast.

The brothers entered through some large doors and a large table came to view. The king, Queen and their children already sat down and so did Neteyam's sister Tuktirey. "Good morning king Tonowari, Queen Ronal.", Neteyam said when he and his brother entered and walked to the empty seats. Neteyam would sit next to Ao'nung. This one smirked as Neteyam sat down. In front of Neteyam, Tsireya sat down and next to her sat Lo'ak. On the tops of tables, the king and queen had their place.
Bread was sliced, fruit was being served and drinks that seemed to have been made out of the fruits. Neteyam and his siblings had never seen such a colorful breakfast before. His eyes immediately noticed the yellow bananas, so he instantly grabbed one.
But when he wanted to bite it, he tasted something bitter and he earned a laughter from his table neighbor.
"You have to peel it first. Let me show you.", Ao'nung chuckled and took Neteyam's food out of his hand. Then, he broke the top and peeled strings from it. "You have to eat the inside, little prince.", he whispered into Neteyam's ear. This one wanted to protest but Queen Ronal glanced over to them, with an angry look on her face. Neteyam decided to just eat quietly and to his surprise, the yellow fruit tasted good and made him feel full for a long while.

After breakfast, Neteyam had to change again and put a metal net over his regular shirt. He was guided to a place that reminded him of the training meadow at home. Minus the trees around, minus the grass. It was just dry soil and little sandy bumps. Sir Miles had gathered some swords and so did another knight that came to the place with Prince Ao'nung. It was a small man with short and curly hair.
"I'm sir Rotxo of northern Metkayina.", he introduced himself. Neteyam nodded approving and Sir Miles handed him his sword and shield. As he glanced over, he saw that Sir Rotxo did the same to Ao'nung.
"Step to the mark on the ground!", Rotxo shouted and the princes stepped forward to a line of coloring that was painted on the dry soil.
"Prepare!", Miles shouted and Neteyam brought his sword into position. "Set!", Rotxo shouted and Neteyam bent his knees a little and the grip around the medal got tighter.
"Fight!", Miles shouted over the place and Neteyam ran towards his enemy.
Immediately, he had to duck down because Ao'nung's combat technique was heavily aggressive. He just threw his sword against Neteyam's shield and this one had to really put his strength against his shield to avoid the taller one's attack.
But in a second of Ao'nung's lack of attention, Neteyam whirled around and swung his sword into the direction of Ao'nung's legs. This one wasn't fast enough to react and the silver medal cut open Ao'nung's shin.
"Ahhhhh you careless troll!", he screamed and fell to the ground. "My prince!", Sir Rotxo screamed and hustled to Ao'nung, trying to lift him up.
"I'm so sorry Ao'nung!", Neteyam apologized repeatedly but Ao'nung only groaned in pain. "We need to bring him to the healer. You go back to the castle.", Rotxo explained and both knights carried the injured prince back to the castle grounds.

The sweat from his forehead now mixed with tears on Neteyam's cheeks. Sniffing and rubbing the fluid away, he trotted back to the castle. As he wanted to go upstairs to his room, he came across the flower gardens and heard some girls giggling.
Wiping his last tears of guilt away, the young prince walked over to the fountain where Tsireya's hair was braided by Atokirina.
"Atokirina!", he exclaimed happily. His sister jumped up and fell around Neteyam's neck. "Oh brother, I've missed you!", she whined and Neteyam finally got to smile again.
When they broke apart, Neteyam greeted Tsireya as well and the three sat down by the fountain.
"You look very tired Neteyam,", Kiri commented and the Princess agreed by nodding. "How was training with Ao'nung?", Tsireya added asking but Neteyam just shook his head, the guilt wandering up his throat again.
"We didn't practice much. I accidentally injured Ao'nung. He was very angry with me.", Neteyam breathed out heavily and Tsireya and Atokirina gasped in shock.
"Is he okay?", Tsireya asked worriedly but Neteyam could just shrug. "I don't think the cut was very deep but what do I know about that...", Neteyam looked down to his feet. "I'm sure Ao'nung exaggerated again...But I have to look after him. I'll see you later Neteyam." , Tsireya said goodbye and left Neteyam and Atokirina alone.
This one brushed with her hand over Neteyam's arm. "I feel bad for him...", he muttered and his sister grabbed his hand. "I'm sure it'll be fine. I think he's just arrogant and your technique is way better. And he doesn't treat you very nicely, so he deserved it.", Atokirina whispered and a smile appeared on both faces. "I guess you're right.", Neteyam said hopefully and the two went back to the castle.

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